Well I am finally happy with the hull on sanding and such to my SMS KronPrinz (Konig Class. I have begun to mark off the area for the solid bow and stern and believe I have the right measurement on the number of ribs. 17 ribs at 1/4 inch width for each rib. Now I agree with David Rainer on there being an Armor Belt on this ship and that is it actually the marked line on each side of the ship that is multi level. I am just not sure if it really runs the full length of the hull from bow to stern. I will post pictures when I figure out how to make it all work again.
In the bow before the step down it looks like you get the 1/8" stringer right where the little bump is. After the step it looks like there is another bump for more 1/8" stringer. It looks like that runs from the step in the hull to the stern. Put the 1/8" on the lower part of the bump.
I don't think the bump is big enough, it's barely a wrinkle in the hull. I love my stringers, but that's a stretch
I want to keep the detail of the bump in the hull. In pictures I have seen of 1/350 scale models it is still a bump,but defiantly looks like it was placed there on purpose. My thought is that it is the top of the armor belt to the ships hull. I did not think it was stringer worthy, but want to find a way to keep the detail and stay legal.
bob is right about the stringer that is how thay (SCRAP) told me to cut it http://www.rcnavalcombat.com/FileManager/Storage/633423211276305000.png
yes fast(small)gun what ever and ty um putting the guns on the vdt & konig hope to be done this week.my son has the vdt & i have the konig and she dose turn real good. your dad will be mad at you when he cant catch you with his vdt
Now why would he not catch me? He should be faster and if I set up the rudders right on both he will turn better than me as well. The Advantage is I have begun to fit my decks and will be preparing to lay out my windows. So far I know I will have 17 1/4" ribs, but still trying to decide on the stringer or Armor Belt.
Kron Prinz: Well over the last couple of days I have drilled out the point for the center shaft. While not perfect yet It is still drilled and nearly ready for the arrival of the shaft and gear box. Rudder will go in once the shaft is set. I have begun tapeing out the windows, but have yet to decide fully on the stringer/armor belt area on how I will deal with it properly. Pictures to come as I get them. Von Der Tann: On deley for ordering on the side of my dad for now.
This is how I cut the windows on mine John, about all I have done so far. The top edge is of course the 3/8 inch deck and subdeck. Only in the first forward window is there no armour belt, the rest of the ship lenght has one. I think in my drawing I added one extra rib. I have 6 ribs in the forward section, till the first step down, then 2 closer together, and the last 9 are evenly spaced out towards the stern. About every 3 1/2 inches or so. Mine will look just like Evil Jokers when finished.
What does your Konig weigh Evil? I was going to go for max on mine, just to get it down in the water as much as possible, to limit the damage from the Allied triple stern gun ships, since they shoot flat. And how are you mounting your guns? After I test it's turning ability I will decide on mine later this year, but right now I'm leaning towards dual bows, and a stern haymaker off each side. She is not that much longer than my PE, and I think if setup right could be a pretty good ship.
Guys since I am major confused on the advice on the Atringer. Place the stringer above the buldge line closer to the deck or at the buldge line and closer to the keel?
Well after a few hard weeks of work I got time to work on the KP again. Windows are finally cut. I am sanding down to the proper sizing right now. Also begun the Super structure work or clean up of the pieces Battlers Connection had. I will add a few details to it over the basic, but not much as I really do not want to be repairing details for ever. Dad has deleyed on VDT for now. He is concentrating on something else at the moment. I will get him to order his soon enough.
Super structure Work continues on the KP. I am also slowly getting the windows sanded to size. Once those are to size I will add some backing to them to reinforce the ribs and even add internal armor soon. Still awaiting a lot of pieces as I can spend money on them. But the slow but sure work will be worth it.