Hey, folks, you've all heard of Myth Busters, right? They're a bunch of guys who go about testing various myths, and proving them either true or false. They also happen to work very close to where my club (the WWCC) battles every month. Anyway, I was thinking what myths might I suggest to them, for the sport of Big Gun RC warship combat? One of the biggest unproved myths about Big Gun RC naval combat is the "foam test" plus the different sizes of ammunition. Basically, some people believe that the foam safety test for all Big Gun cannons means that a .177" bb is just as capable of penetrating heavy armor below the waterline as a .25" ball is, when both cannons are legal. Others (me included) think that's baloney. What do you guys think of this idea? Are there any other RC naval combat myths that you are curious about? Big Gun, Fast Gun, any myths from any form of RC naval combat are welcome.
Maybe, if we can't think of an existing myth, we could make one up? Another option might be to think of some naval combat-related myth that they could use scale warships to help demonstrate or debunk? Something like how British cordite was unstable, and/or they didn't close all their blast-proof doors, leading to excessive losses at Jutland, etc. - even if the scale fighting ships can't directly resolve the issues, they could be used to give some sort of visual, & get the exposure that way. Think of some other myths, unexplained events, etc. (like HMAS Sydney/Kormoran mystery, etc.?). JM
ye yea yea do it. i want to see that on tv. p.s can you get me their autographs? okay ill settle down now
Actually, I'm talking with someone from the Discovery Channel... RIGHT NOW... about this very thing. He is incharge of some military myths show & wants to show the effectiveness of byzantine naval flame thrower weapons. Right now, he is passing the expense report by his boss. I should know definates in the next couple days.
How about the myth that if you fall from a ship underway, you'll be sucked into the screws and killed, no matter which part of the ship you fall from. I see a miniature Jamie falling from the deck of the Yamato, and getting sliced and diced in the props.
That would be so cool to get them to try Big Gun Rc... I love there show and would love to see them do something with the hobby
If nobody can get the actual Mythbusters to do a feature, maybe someone can produce their own video "spoofing" the Mythbusters? "Legendsmashers", or whatever, with a couple of guys made up to look like obviously cheap imitations of Jamie & Adam - maybe an assistant or 2, even. It could be some good fun, & be an attention-getter for the sport. JM
Just recall the last two years Discovery has done a spoof show that takes sent in spoof videos that spoof their own shows like Mythbusters and Dirty Jobs. That could be a way to get good exposure for the hobby and present a myth you want to see busted.
Guess I should fill the gap, the guy at discovery fell through. I guess his manager decided against the project.