Photos Nats 2022

Discussion in 'Photos & Videos' started by Evan Fowler, Jul 11, 2022.

  1. Evan Fowler

    Evan Fowler Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2016
    Muskegon, MI
    Welcome to Michigan 20220711_162055.jpg
    Nomercy, Nibbles1 and tgalx3 like this.
  2. NASAAN101

    NASAAN101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Pittsburgh PA, USA
    Have fun all
  3. Evan Fowler

    Evan Fowler Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2016
    Muskegon, MI
    20220713_212853.jpg cannot get the night battle panoramic to upload
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2022
  4. WillCover

    WillCover -->> C T D <<--

    Nov 1, 2009
    Harrison, Michigan
    20220715_111740.jpg 20220712_212857.jpg Evens phone...there and back again 20220712_113427.jpg 20220712_113446.jpg 20220712_105644.jpg 20220712_105637.jpg 20220712_105633.jpg 20220712_105610.jpg 20220711_113818.jpg 20220711_102812.jpg 20220710_145011.jpg 20220710_143707.jpg 20220710_143705.jpg 20220710_143317.jpg 20220710_141453.jpg
  5. Evan Fowler

    Evan Fowler Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2016
    Muskegon, MI
    That dang phone needs a leash, can't take it anywhere
  6. WillCover

    WillCover -->> C T D <<--

    Nov 1, 2009
    Harrison, Michigan
    20220714_110144.jpg Moments before the GREAT NATS 2022 GRILL FIRE started, the rest is to graphic to show..
  7. WillCover

    WillCover -->> C T D <<--

    Nov 1, 2009
    Harrison, Michigan
    If you wouldn't found it Samantha would have you on one! :laugh:
    Justin Ragucci and Evan Fowler like this.
  8. WillCover

    WillCover -->> C T D <<--

    Nov 1, 2009
    Harrison, Michigan
  9. Evan Fowler

    Evan Fowler Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2016
    Muskegon, MI
  10. Evan Fowler

    Evan Fowler Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2016
    Muskegon, MI
    Alex lit up the pond like Christmas tree, even from the bottom. Nice job friend
    Panzer and WillCover like this.
  11. Radioman

    Radioman Active Member

    Feb 4, 2015
    Franklin Wisconsin
    Enjoyed the pictures. Wish I could have been there. Looks like everyone brought the entire workshop:woot::woot::woot:
    Evan Fowler likes this.
  12. WillCover

    WillCover -->> C T D <<--

    Nov 1, 2009
    Harrison, Michigan
    vlcsnap-2022-07-17-08h55m39s800.png vlcsnap-2022-07-17-08h59m08s121.png 20220714_153149.jpg vlcsnap-2022-07-17-09h03m33s392.png ignore time stamps... 20220714_153159.jpg 20220714_153207.jpg 20220714_153209.jpg 20220714_153224.jpg 20220714_153515.jpg 20220714_153530.jpg 20220714_104121.jpg 20220714_153747.jpg 20220714_152239.jpg 20220714_153839.jpg 20220714_152443.jpg vlcsnap-2022-07-17-08h53m43s375.png 20220714_152449.jpg 20220714_153141.jpg
    Commodore, Lou, Panzer and 4 others like this.
  13. Commodore

    Commodore Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2013
    Sunny TX
    Nice lookin' Bismarck in those pictures there. :)
    WillCover likes this.
  14. Evan Fowler

    Evan Fowler Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2016
    Muskegon, MI
    For anyone looking for a little laugh on a Thursday, yesterday I felt like grilling......but waiting on parts 20220716_210644.jpg
    Panzer, Justin Ragucci and Beaver like this.
  15. WillCover

    WillCover -->> C T D <<--

    Nov 1, 2009
    Harrison, Michigan
    Too soon Evan, Too soon...:laugh:
  16. NASAAN101

    NASAAN101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Pittsburgh PA, USA
    That’s was a good one Evan :)
  17. Commodore

    Commodore Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2013
    Sunny TX
    So, yeah, someone sent me a message asking how my Bismarck did at Nats, and I figured I should probably post something here so that everyone else can have a laugh too.

    (Note to self - insert pic here, if it ever gets here from the phone)

    So, yeah, in the midst of my usual pre-Nats motivational issues, someone left a Seydlitz on my doorstep, swaddled in a blankie. Well, not quite, but they were going to be overseas for a few weeks, and wouldn't be able to finish re-sheeting her. A couple of weeks and lots of procrastination later, well, I mostly finished re-sheeting a Seydlitz. Hadn't touched Bismarck. Yay.

    Anyway, with last minute assurances from certain parties, I tossed her, and some pre-prepped balsa in the trunk with said Seydlitz, and we headed East, I mean North, I mean ... well, lots of directions, in hopes of evading Illinois as much as possible, because fie upon them.

    Many parsecs later, we arrived in Michigan, and I took the opportunity to collapse from exhaustion, apparently. I have no recollection of that event, Senator. I think I may have been semi-coherent by Sunday afternoon, but probably not. Thankfully, with a lot of help from those certain parties, Bismarck's new hull skin was attached, and she was ready for testing. Mostly. Well, aside from that wee issue of a 20-ish year old 775 motor burning out, that is. Yeah.

    Yeah. Monday morning, and it's time to finish speed testing. No time to tweak things out, just use the ESC to dial the speed (90%), and away we go.

    How do botes work again? Oh, yeah, very carefully. Thankfully, the drive motor issue was the only one, and everything else worked fine all week. Yay. Even the new 3D printed rudder gear, because ServoCity doesn't make one in the size I needed (46 tooth).

    I did get the joy of discovering, or is that re-discovering how much damage a Bismarck can take if you're not careful. I got too aggressive Monday afternoon (I wasn't the only one), and ended up taking something like 95/20-ish and 45-ish below hits. Thankfully, she didn't sink (good hull skin), but that's way more damage than I like to patch. Note to self - be more cautious for the rest of the week.

    Tuesday was more of the same, except with more caution and less damage taken. The thing about great hull skins is that once most of the balsa is gone, they're not so great anymore. Gotta watch that, you know. In the fleet battles, when possible, I tried to team up with Seydlitz and/or Missouri and occasionally Jean Bart to try to tag team the opposing ships. Sure, you can turn away and evade one of our sidemounts, but try turning away from two of us ... (!)

    Campaign was kind of fun, I got to shoot up a few convoy ships, and Brian and I sank one of the opposing battleships who wasn't careful enough to stay away from our sidemounts. My aunt and uncle came to watch the show, so I was spending some time chatting with them, when Steve suggested I borrow his Des Moines. It was very amusing. Almost enough to make me want one of my own, but I think I'd rather have something a touch more maneuverability. It was still fun running around and triple stern gunning some convoy ships, and then trying to finish them off.

    Non Bismarck related, Wednesday had a trip to Grand Rapids in store, with a visit to one of the few remining "real" hobby shops, Rider's. It was delightful, and I'd like to have spent a lot of $$$ there, but I was well aware at that point of how crowded the car was going to be for the trip home. I begged Nate and Brian for a visit to the local Big Boy, (old hometown favorite from back in the day), and had a delish "Hot Fudge Ice Cream Cake" treat for my birthday. Thanks, guys, I know, Big Boy is marginal otherwise, but I do appreciate it.

    Dusk, I mean night battle approached, and Ian showed up with his lovely little Dreadnought lit up like Times Square, and Kas showed up with his USS Manatee, or something like that. Arrayed against this were seven of our battleships. Needless to say, it was short, and about what you'd expect. See pictures above. I probably mostly whiffed on my shots on Dreadnought, but it is what it is, it's so smol, ya know.

    Thursday was more fleet/campaign madness, with similar results to previously, then a rules (sigh) meeting and Friday's fleet battle later, and it was all over.

    Oh, yes, and thanks to all the other captains for voting my Bismarck for best of scale. That was a treat, to say the least. Unfortunately, as seen in the picture above, she was a little the worse for wear at that point, but hey, isn't that what the whole 3D printing thing is for, right?

    Which is to say, I think that while the PLA mostly held up okay, it's showing definite wear and tear, and the ABS bits held up much better. (As expected) Now that I have an actual enclosure for my printer, I will probably re-print the PLA pieces with ABS so that it will be more durable in the future. Maybe TPU, but that depends on some things, like how well the larger pieces hold their shape when printed out of more flexible material. (It was fine for my Seydlitz superstructure.)

    Anyway, sorry if that's a bit short on details, I'm hoping people will post some videos eventually, to (ahem) refresh memories, etc.

    Meanwhile, if I had to give an overall impression of things, well ... Bismarck good, Bismarck fun, but ... Bismarck heavy. Thanks for Justin, Matt, Will, Tom, and all the other folks who gave me a hand throughout the week. I mean, heaven forbid I lose a Bismarck's worth of weight so she'd be easier to carry, right? (Easier said than done)

    Otherwise, I'd have to say that I enjoyed battling her throughout the week. Her configuration is a bit olde skool, but I like it because it suits my preferred battling style, which is also olde skool. She's fast, maneuverable, and powerful enough to get things done. But the downside is she does have enough target area to where if you aren't careful, the damage will rack up on you very quickly.

    Will she be on the water again next year? Most likely. It seems that I volunteered myself to be an Admiral next year, and it probably wouldn't do for the Admiral to be bringing a cruiser or pre-dreadnought to Nats, right? I mean, seeing as Matt (the other Admiral) is planning to bring a Baden next year, it might be nice to arrange with certain other parties to go light next year and bring a bunch of WWI/Class 5 ships and leave our heavy sluggers at home, but hahaha ... we all know that won't be happening.

    So Bismarck it is, and heaven help us all ... especially my back!

    Last edited: Jul 23, 2022
  18. WillCover

    WillCover -->> C T D <<--

    Nov 1, 2009
    Harrison, Michigan
    ...ah man, thanks Chris for not mentioning names...that would have been embarrassing... :D
  19. NASAAN101

    NASAAN101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Pittsburgh PA, USA
    Did some get a group photo for me :)
  20. Nomercy

    Nomercy Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2021
    Glad you had a fun week. It was great seeing you again.
    Justin Ragucci and Evan Fowler like this.