NETF Battle Reports

Discussion in 'New England Task Force (IRCWCC)' started by Powder Monkey, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. Powder Monkey

    Powder Monkey Active Member

    Dec 18, 2006
    NETF Captains File reports here to keep us informed of ship engagements
  2. Powder Monkey

    Powder Monkey Active Member

    Dec 18, 2006
    NETF Battle Report for Bay of Pearl 06/24/08
    Well the Boston had her first Skirmish today.We wanted to have a real shake down with a little friendly inter club war game I would highly recommend this to any rookie out there before entering the real deal all I can say is OMG .It was lots of fun but as you can see from the picture below the Boston in the for ground (you have to Look below the surface[;)] ) and the victor USS Massachusetts in the back ground I have a lot o learn.
    Speed test
    We started the day off with speed trials out of the gate she was at 26 seconds not a bad start. Need to shave 2 seconds off her going to attempt it with a little pitch change .NETF HQ broadcasted a sever thunder storm watch to all ships so a command decision was made to skip the speed runs and move right into the combat games .
    Sortie 1
    After taking on fuel and ammunition damage control reported During the speed trials the Boston had struck an object placing a large hole into her port bow breaching her forward hold in two bays after temporary repairs both ships headed to the designated area and the thunder began “Big Mamie" laid into her little sister with a vengeance while I tried to get some distance and maneuver to unleash her duel sterns into some balsa she swung full to starboard than fainted port and full to starboard to get the advantage needed. The volley was well placed but not enough to deter the veteran captain and Big Mamie and captain Don pressed hard and attacked with another broad side landing with a sickening thwack. The Boston made a run for deep water and pulled away to re group. By this time the Boston had all hands manning the pumps witch worked superb. I realized time and buoyancy was running out so I swung about to press a forward advance raking the big girl with well placed shots as I approached her bow I swung hard port and to the dismay of the veteran I dumped the last of my duals into her as he realized he just got mossed so it was called a round and both ships headed to port .this captain was happy with her performance but there are many changes needing to be made prior to reporting to the Conron fleet in Dutchess County of New York this July 20th to engage the Axis Fleet in this years NATS.

    Sortie 2
    After taking ammunition damage control reported both ships had sustained hits below the water line the Boston suffering the worse. the wind was picking up and the skies darkening and the rumble of real thunder was in the near distance both ships left the dock and headed to the designated area and the Boston’s pumps where hard at work immediately while the veteran just sat back and smiled as I looked nervously about and wondered how long she could stay afloat with the seas and winds kicking up and than the thunder rolled and I knew it wouldn’t be long as that thunder ended again with a sickening thwack and that is when I new it was lost with a 10 degree list the rookie curs was in full force as just than she lost reverse. As I thought I had not yet begun to fight and to go down swinging I swung her around and as my bow cannons came into range and I gave the order to fire…….nothing………….. Fire………….again nothing and than all engines stopped and with a groan I called 5 and the veteran said this is when in the real game the axis will pull along side and THWACK THWACK THWAK Big Mamie let lose with a torent of steel and as if on command the motors fired up in full reveres washing the deck as I the rookie had left the stick there in my dismay and so I flung it in full forward as the Boston continued to list more each second and the veteran just stayed put and let her roll silently into the sea her speed upside down was very impressive for a brief moment than she ran silent and it was over she was down. I was thinking man that was fun lets do it again but Mother Nature had her own thunder to display and that she did so we ran for the garage to
  3. BoomerBoy17

    BoomerBoy17 Active Member

    May 27, 2008
    wow monk, sounds like you had a good time. Some rough ends to work out, but seems like she put up a good fight. Too bad she didnt do better, but im sure, come NATS, she will b a lean, mean, ship-sinking machine. And im thinking now, due to availability that my first cruiser would most likely be a Des Moines. not that i like it more, but the extra rudder will help. And any news on upcoming skirmishes?
  4. djranier

    djranier Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2007
    Nice battle report, and it sounds like you have the right attitude about sinking, who cares, were here to have some fun right.

    This way you also work out any and all bugs before you get it on the pond in a battle with the other side. It sounds like that 26 sec speed cost you some, but once you get it up to speed, it will even turn that much better.
  5. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    The first sink is the hardest.
    So now that you have gotten that out of the way, it is all fun from here on out.
    I try to make a list of all of the things that I want to improve after each run.
    Nice battle report.
  6. Powder Monkey

    Powder Monkey Active Member

    Dec 18, 2006
    Already made and done I'm off at 0700 hours to seek revenge [}:)] I will have another report tomorw after 1300 and start working on my next list of fixes [:D]