New from northern VA

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by NASAAN101, Aug 26, 2009.

  1. NASAAN101

    NASAAN101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Pittsburgh PA, USA
    hello all,
    The names Nikki. I'm 26 years old.. But i Have ADD.. which mean, Attention Deficit Disorder. but i'm on a higher level them most of my other friends with this, But Im also MR. i just got in to the RC combat baots, i went for The IRCWCC Spring regionals.. So if any of you have any question, go head and ask ok..
  2. Windrider0275

    Windrider0275 Member

    Nov 7, 2008
    RE: New frome norther VA Hi Nikki,

    welcome to the hobby! What ships do you like and which one would you like to build?

  3. NASAAN101

    NASAAN101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Pittsburgh PA, USA
    RE: New frome norther VA
    There is in fact three: German Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen and US Light cruisers Juneua and her elder sister, Atlanta.. What are the pros and cons of those three ships?
  4. eljefe

    eljefe Active Member

    Jul 12, 2008
    I don't have enough experience to compare the relative merits of these three ships, but cruisers have these general characteristics. I'll limit my comments to "fast gun" style combat since you expressed interest in IRCWCC.

    High Speed

    Poor turning performance
    Limited arming options
    Limited volume to package components (especially on the smaller examples)

    You should talk with other members of your club to get their advice, but it's usually recommended to go with something a little bigger than a cruiser for a starter ship. A World War I era battlecruiser or dreadnought has more volume, better arming options, and is usually more fun for a beginner.
  5. NASAAN101

    NASAAN101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Pittsburgh PA, USA
    the key thing for me is size, we have a truck, Van and car! but its the car has the mile to go to Maryland for spring and fall Regionals: The Prinz Eugen hull is: 57 or 4' feet 7" and the Atlanta class hull is: 45 inch or 3'- 9".. PG might be to big to fit in the car, but she might be able to fit in are truck.. Atlanta hull will fit in the cat, if her bow is sitting on my lap.. But im in the pross of building a Heller model of Heavy cruiser Admiral Scheer, so once shes done, i'll post photos on here if i can..
  6. crzyhawk

    crzyhawk Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Alexandria, VA
    If you like the Admiral Scheer, you might be better off doing a Panzershiffe. They're a bit shorter then the PE. Hulls are available from Strike Models. There are several other interesting options if you take a look at what Strike models has to offer.
  7. Knight4hire

    Knight4hire Active Member

    Mar 3, 2008
    Hi Nikki:
    I see that you have found this site! GREAT!
    Check out the "Warship Builds" forum for information on building PE.
    There is a lot of good information here. Just that you will need to sort out what applies to BIG guns and what does not.

    Have Fun!
  8. eljefe

    eljefe Active Member

    Jul 12, 2008
    If size is the big concern, here are some comparisons of lengths for popular dreadnoughts and battlecruisers to consider. All of these are readily available fiberglass hulls.

    Baden (German dreadnought) 49 inches
    Konig (German dreadnought) 48 inches
    Invincible (UK battlecruiser) 47 inches
    Von der Tann (German battlecruiser) 47 inches
    Florida (US dreadnought) 44 inches
    Kawachi (Japanese dreadnought) 44 inches
    Viribus Unitis (Austrian dreadnought) 42 inches
    Nassau (German dreadnought) 40 inches
    South Carolina (US dreadnought) 38 inches
    Espana (Spanish dreadnought) 38 inches
  9. NASAAN101

    NASAAN101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Pittsburgh PA, USA
    South Carolina, she the Elder of USS washington.. This mine give you guys the reason i was looking at her today, its a bit long:
    The Japanese force proved to be the battleship Kirishima, the heavy cruisers Atago and Takao, the light cruisers Sendai and Nagara, and a screen of nine destroyers leading in four transports. Planning to conduct a bombardment of the Marine positions on Guadalcanal to cover the landing of troops the following day, the Japanese force ran head-on into Lee's TF 64.

    For the next three minutes, Washington's 16 in (410 mm) guns hurled out 42 rounds, opening at 18,500 yd (16,900 m) range, her fire aimed at Sendai. Simultaneously, the battleship's 5 in (130 mm) dual-purpose battery was engaging another ship that was also being shelled by South Dakota.

    As gun-flashes split the night and the rumble of gunfire reverberated like thunder off the islands nearby, Washington continued to engage the Japanese force. Between 0025 and 0034 hours, she engaged targets at 10,000 yd (9,100 m) range with her 5 in (130 mm) battery.
    Most significantly, however, Washington soon engaged Kirishima in the first head-to-head confrontation of battleships in the Pacific War. In seven minutes, tracking by radar, the Washington fired 75 rounds of 16 in (410 mm) and 107 rounds of 5 in (130 mm) shells at ranges from 8,400 to 12,650 yd (7,700 to 11,600 m), scoring at least nine hits with her main 16 in (410 mm) battery, and about 40 with her 5 in (130 mm) guns, silencing the IJN battleship Kirishima in short order, and setting her on fire. Subsequently, Washington's 5 in (130 mm) batteries went to work firing on other targets spotted by her radar sets.

    This naval battle off Guadalcanal, however, was not all one-sided. Japanese gunfire proved devastating to the four destroyers of TF 64, as did the powerful Japanese Long Lance torpedoes. Walke and Preston both took numerous hits of all calibers and sank; Benham sustained heavy damage to her bow, and Gwin sustained shell hits aft.

    South Dakota had maneuvered to avoid the burning Walke and Preston but soon found herself to be the target of the entire Japanese bombardment group. Skewered by searchlight beams, South Dakota boomed out salvoes at the IJN force, as did Washington which was proceeding, at that point, to deal out severe punishment upon Kirishima, one of South Dakota's assailants.

    South Dakota, suddenly crippled by an electrical power failure, became the recipient of numerous hits. She retired as Washington steamed north to draw fire away from her crippled battleship comrade, and from the two crippled destroyers Benham and Gwin. Initially, the remaining ships of the Japanese bombardment group gave chase to Washington but they broke off action when discouraged by the battleship's heavy guns. Afterwards, they withdrew under cover of a smokescreen.

    After Washington evaded torpedoes fired by the Japanese destroyers in the van of the enemy force, having several detonate in her wake as she retired, she joined South Dakota later in the morning, shaping course for Nouméa. In the battleship action, Washington had done well and had emerged undamaged, except for one non-exploding 5 in (130 mm) shell through one of her radar antennas. South Dakota had not emerged unscathed, however, sustaining heavy damage to her superstructure; 38 fatalities; and 60 wounded. The Japanese had lost Kirishima. Left burning and exploding, she later was abandoned and was scuttled by the her crew. The other enemy casualty was the destroyer Ayanami, scuttled the next morning.
    let me know that you guys think ok.. plus, guys i dont even know my skill level, and this is what i found also: Skills Required
    Building: Recommended only for those modelers with advanced R/C building skills.
    Battling: The North Carolina is not for the rookie battler. We recommend it only for those Captains with at least one previous combat ship model and one full battling season under their belt.

  10. SnipeHunter

    SnipeHunter Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2007
    A North Carolina/Washington is much much larger (60.75"). If you're looking to build a small ship thats not one, also its not really a rookie boat. They are very good ships but can attract a lot of attention(not the good kind) which as a rookie you may not want. If you're going to be fighting with the IRCWCC guys a class 4 is a good starting point, maybe a small class 5 depending if you want axis or allied.
  11. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    Nikki, I would suggest that you build whichever boat you like. That's one of the more important parts of battling that a lot of people underestimate. If you don't like your boat, for whatever reason, it subtracts quite a bit from your battling experience. You've expressed interest in the USS Washington, so that's what I'll recommend.

    That said, Snipe does have a point about attracting hostile attention. A big, powerful battlewagon like the Washington in the hands of a rookie is an unpredictable element: other skippers don't know if you're a threat or not, and some will even assume you're easy pickings. That virtually guarantees you a steady stream of challengers. If you're up to the challenge, great! Send 'em packing. If not, be prepared to patch a lot, or even go swimming a few times. Getting thrashed can be discouraging, if you're not prepared for it. You may consider borrowing something smaller from another member so you can learn tactics and handling, while you work on the Washington. Or, you may consider building something else first, to get some building experience. Or, if you're like me, and got the benefits of ADD along with the downsides, you'll do what I did: learn fast. I may not have been much of a skipper the first time I ever set sail in my old Scharnhorst, but by the end of my first year, I was a force to be reckoned with, and I've only gotten better since :)
  12. Evil Joker

    Evil Joker Member

    Jul 27, 2007
    Yes build whichever boat you like.
  13. NASAAN101

    NASAAN101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Pittsburgh PA, USA
    Ive always like German Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen. But US Light cruisers Juneua and her elder sister, Atlanta strong second, but i found everything i need to Juneau and her sister on Battle connections, but the only think they dont have for PE is the deck kit and im not sure if you can buy all that: here is whats in the Deck Kit generally consist of pre-cut 1/8" lite ply main deck, pre-cut 1/4" deck rim, Main gun barbetts, deck panel screws, assembly instructions & depth gage. so let me know guys think ok.. you all have been a great help..
  14. Evil Joker

    Evil Joker Member

    Jul 27, 2007
    the Deck Kit is easy to do heres my P.E.
  15. NASAAN101

    NASAAN101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Pittsburgh PA, USA
    Evil Joker,
    she's cute.. and talk about being armed to the teeth, bigtime. IS there any true about her and bismarck being BROTHER/SISTER? also i know she 14lbs, full weight, but how much dose she weight have water in her, and will she be toweight to pickup when she full of water??
  16. tsolson55

    tsolson55 Active Member

    Aug 29, 2008
    I've seen the Joker's P.E. and your right she is cute in't she? And she's fast at 23 seconds, most of the DKM ship are very nice looking. If you wanted to go one step from the P.E. you could go up to the Scharnhorst or Gniesnau which are 64" long and 24 seconds with 4 cannons, so they are fast and very deadly, but they can weigh up to almost 30 LBS so the are a little bit heavy.
    But remember the most imporant thing is build a ship the you like. Good luck to you with this great obsession.
  17. Knight4hire

    Knight4hire Active Member

    Mar 3, 2008
    Hey Guys,
    Hold off on the "Class" info for Nikki.
    I believe that Nikki is going with the BIG guns rule set, thus talking about class will only be confusing at this point in time.
  18. NASAAN101

    NASAAN101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Pittsburgh PA, USA
    Its fine, But it fast fun, Im into or IRCWCC rules.. But I think both club are cool (Big Gun and Fast Gun). Also, Do I have to make her in the actual color she had in WW 2 or not? OK guys this is going completey off topic, But are Scharnhorst ad Gneisenau twin sister or no?
  19. SnipeHunter

    SnipeHunter Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2007
    Yup Scharnhorst and Gneisenau are sister ships, however there are two different classes of ships with those names. There was a WW1 SMS Scharnhorst/Gneisenau which were armored cruisers (Class 2, 2.5 Units and 26 sec) and then the WW2 DKM Scharnhorst/Gneisenau which were Battlecruisers(Class 5, 5 unit, 24 sec).
  20. NASAAN101

    NASAAN101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Pittsburgh PA, USA
    Hey Guys,
    I was on Battle connectionsAnd they didnt have the Deck Kit for Prinz Eugen.. The Deck kit generally consist of pre-cut 1/8" lite ply main deck, pre-cut 1/4" deck rim, Main gun barbetts, deck panel screws, assembly instructions & depth gage. so let me know guys think ok.. you all have been a great help..