New From SE Florida

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by ezrida, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. ezrida

    ezrida New Member

    Oct 1, 2008
    Well I've been following this sport/hobby for a good 5 years, but have never managed to take the plunge. I remember back when Swampworks used to be around, and I was very close to getting started. College unfortunately prevented that. Regardless I think I'm finally ready to go ahead and do this.

    I suppose my first hesitation is the lack of having anyone "local", although I'm aware that there are a few in Orlando and points north. Makes me wish I got involved when I was at UCF, which is in Orlando for those non-locals.

    Other than that I've read endless information that leaves me fairly confident of what I want to do. I suppose I'll just state my intentions and let the vets guide me from there. Let me know if I'm making a mistake with my choice or what not.

    Back when Swampworks was around I was looking at the USS Brooklyn. Battlers Connection seems to be the easiest source for me as I do not have much modeling experience. I am now leaning towards a Cleveland class cruiser, more specifically the USS Miami. Now I've read advice for rookies to stay away from cruiser class. I'd appreciate any exact reasons as to why.

    Okay, I'm rambling on by now. I appreciate any advice you guys can give and thank you.

  2. warspiteIRC

    warspiteIRC RIP

    Aug 17, 2008
    Annapolis, MD
    Contact Battlers Connection (they are in the Fla Group of the MWC) and can direct you to the nearest builder (combatant) to you.
  3. djranier

    djranier Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2007
    We have 4 battlers from south Florida, 1 in the Sebring area, and 3 along the SW coast of Florida. The Orlando guys are the most active.

    Don here in Orlando just finished his Miami earlier this year, she is a nice looking boat. Allot of starters start with smaller cruisers, which take a bit of work to keep below weight limits. The Miami is not bad for a starter since it is on the heaver size for a cruiser, but she does have allot of freeboard to shoot at. [:)]

    Call Rick at BC, we have build sessions a couple times a month at his place working on our boats.
  4. Bob

    Bob Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2007
    You're in the MWC area. The speed rules for cruisers are different, they get to be faster then a BB. So in the MWC cruisers are very good starter ships.