New Guy from the Pond

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Bryan, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. Bryan

    Bryan Member

    Oct 1, 2008

    Bryan from Canada here, member of the OAF

    Ontario Attack Force, 1/144 Fast Fun Club (IRCWCC)

    Battling SMS Hindenburg, 4.5 units, Class 4
    Building DKM Adm Speer, 3.5 Units, Class 3 (For Son)
    Building USN Savanah, 3 Units, Class 3 (For Me)
    Building DKM Nordmark (Freighter), 0 Units, Class 8 (For the cause)

    Plans to build others once get the above finished
    just waiting for guns then they will be shortly done.
    Detailing to take place all winter.

    Will be trying hand at making fiberglass hulls
    and turrets shortly,learning as I go, no
    promises for anything till I get good at it.

    Always looking to learn something new.

    Love plans, and then using them to build ships.

  2. Bryan

    Bryan Member

    Oct 1, 2008
    Just a quick note on the club
    Lately we fight about 8 boats average
    and we fight every other sunday at
    Bousfields Farm (apple and produce farm)
    on Derry Road between Appleby line and Hwy 25
    You can see the pond from the road.

    We have lots of experienced members and
    quite a few Newbies like me and others building
    their first boat.

    We all have a great day no matter the
    outcome every battle day, no one goes
    home sad or mad.

    This coming Sunday is our last official
    battle day for this season, after that
    we will have a few building sessions
    over the winter so we can all compare
    notes and make improvements.

    We have a range of boats and there
    is usually a few spare for people
    to try so they can get the feel of
    combat when they come out to check
    us out.

    Check out our web site, it is in
    the links section.

  3. BoomerBoy17

    BoomerBoy17 Active Member

    May 27, 2008
    Welcome aboard Bryan, good to have you here.