New Here

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by zackhart, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. zackhart

    zackhart New Member

    Apr 13, 2012
    im zack. im new to the hobby. ive heard alot about it and ive built lots of other types of models but never anything like this. im really needing to get some information or help with some ideas id like to try out as im building. im goin to be ordering a bismark and iowa class battleship kit here in the next few days. ive built them for show and just to have sitting around so i wont have any trouble with the details and what not. and as far as the internal componets i build industrial mechines so it will be a cake walk there. the reall thing that concerns me is the guns. seems to be alot out there about building them and what not but not a whole lot of well laid out blue prints or plans on them anyone that has some i could take a look at let me know. im goin the build ur own route on those. so ill have time for experinentation. let me know thanks.
  2. mike5334

    mike5334 Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    Welcome Zack. :)

    Sounds like you know what you want to do. Excellent! Your background should serve well in constructing the ships. :)

    Before anyone can answer the gun question, we need to know if you are planning on battling and what format. Which format will let us know which direction to send you for cannon information. For instance if you are looking at Big Gun style of battling (or displaying) then the cannons will be significantly different than the "Fast Gun" battling format's cannons.

    I highly recommend checking into the nearest group of battlers in your area and see what ships and formats they are using.

    Welcome to the Obsession!
  3. zackhart

    zackhart New Member

    Apr 13, 2012
    im more than likely goin to do both big gun and fast gun styles. i want to equipe the two ships differently but at the same time have the information to be able to change around gun plat forms if i want to move them between the two or build different sets. i do want to start the big gun way for my bb. then maybe fast gun for a change if i need to. ill look and see but i dont think there are any clubs in my area.
  4. zackhart

    zackhart New Member

    Apr 13, 2012
    if need be ill see about starting one with my budy.
  5. NASAAN101

    NASAAN101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Pittsburgh PA, USA
    Were do you live?
  6. zackhart

    zackhart New Member

    Apr 13, 2012
    i live in colorado. ive seen there are people that do the hobby in the area but not sure about clubs.
  7. zackhart

    zackhart New Member

    Apr 13, 2012
    im thinking ill start out with the big gun class as far as wat gun info i need. if you guys have any info for me to help me build my own up fwster to help me get goin that would be awsome. im getting afew different kits to build from
  8. jstod

    jstod Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2012
    Syracuse, NY
    Hey Zack welcome. Im new to the hobby as well. For the BIg guns I havent been able to find anyone yet in the US who makes them but have heard of some ppl DOwn under who allegedly do. If you feel up to it I know Strikemodels sells a set of plans for the rotating big guns so i would suggest looking there first for them. I have them and they are really good and strait forward but i do not possess the tools to fabricate certain pieces. hope this helps
  9. zackhart

    zackhart New Member

    Apr 13, 2012
    yeah i stubbled accross the stuff there too. ill have too go ahead and get the plans from them. was hoping some one here might already have them and i could have faster access.
  10. zackhart

    zackhart New Member

    Apr 13, 2012
    ok so i did alittle more looking around and decided that i would really like to look at both the big gun systems and the fast gun systems for cannons. to see which i might prefer on the ships. ill more than likely be putting together a club of my own with some of my buddies so if you guys have any info on either of these systems. or plans of how to build so i can build afew test guns in my shop that would be awsome.
  11. jstod

    jstod Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2012
    Syracuse, NY
    On building them i have no knowledge. but i do know that it would be good to try and figure out which way you would like to use because both have different rules on how to construct your ship
  12. zackhart

    zackhart New Member

    Apr 13, 2012
    ahh i think im goin to do the big gun rule set and shoot for the rotating elevating turrests and ill probably go for the 1/4 inch size. ammo too. but i may still do the fast gun. but im starting with big gun. and as far as the rules ive figured out the regulations for most of it and wat not. ive got the basic info and a good idea how most of the systems for the guns work now the only problem im kind of having is figuring the breech out. that seems to be the hardest part. the rest ive already constructed and figure out. if aany one has a cchance to take some close up pictures of their breech system so i could look at it closer that would be awsome. cause i can reverse engineer from there. thanks.
  13. jstod

    jstod Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2012
    Syracuse, NY
    I am the same way. the closet club to me is a fast gun club but i REALLY want the larger rotating guns. i plan to have at least one other ship for fast gun but i want big gun. looks like you and me are now even level with how far we are along our build paths good luck and if you find anyone building cannons for big gun please let us all know.
  14. zackhart

    zackhart New Member

    Apr 13, 2012
    Right I looked at the fast guns and they are nice for just throwing something together and goin for it. But I don't like doin things that way I like as much interaction and as great a challenge as I can get. That's why i am looking at big gun class. I'll probably build my wife a fast gun class cruiser so we can take them out and do our own thing. And my budy already started his big gun bb the other day. So that's wat class I'm shooting for. Big gun bb and cruisers. But still needing some more info on the guns. I want to build my own to cut costs down.
  15. Jay Jennings

    Jay Jennings Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    St. Croix, NS
    Hey Zack,

    If I can make a recommendation, build something for your wife that you two can do together, if she is like mine she won't have must interrest in going out on her own or finding/starting a club. If you are going to do Big Gun, get her into it too. It is much easier to enjoy the hobby if the CnC is onboard, more time and fewer budget cuts.
    If you can get her involved in the building/upkeep as well it helps, alot.

  16. zackhart

    zackhart New Member

    Apr 13, 2012
    Hahaha. Yep I know that feeling. That's why she will be involved as much as i can get her to be. But I'm sure she wont be on board.
  17. Knight4hire

    Knight4hire Active Member

    Mar 3, 2008
    Hi Zack;
    I agree, get the other half involved.
    We have our ladies involved with the club.
    Our sailings have a picnic/social part.
    We also try to get them to sail as well.
    So we get good eats and a fun time.
  18. zackhart

    zackhart New Member

    Apr 13, 2012
    ahh ok so i wanted to cut costs down on the builds by doing my own guns. but i think ill order afew sets for the first ship and engineer all the rest from those. but if anyone has anything that would help let me know.