New in Massaschusetts

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by LE Deirdre, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. LE Deirdre

    LE Deirdre New Member

    Jun 9, 2015
    Hi guys,
    I'm totally new to this. I've seen the videos and I am obsessed. Would love to connect with people in Massachusetts. Doesn't seem like their is big gun here but anything will do. My first step would be to attend a battle. Then maybe take a woodworking class or something to learn how to build a ship. I must confess I am not a handyman and would need a lot of tutoring to build a ship...but I'd love to try.
  2. bgt0990

    bgt0990 Active Member

    Feb 3, 2014
    Hi there. The fast gun club (IRCWCC) has a chapter 'New England Task Force' and a number of Mass members. I'm sure there is help there for you. Dave Simmons is active up there. Check out the yahoo group and introduce yourself there. Yahoo! Groups The next battle close(ish) to you would be in Aug at Ming's moat in upstate NY. The Mass guys usually come down for that. Welcome aboard!