New member up in Halifax, NS, Canada

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by TheMackster, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. TheMackster

    TheMackster Member

    Sep 11, 2008
    Hello all,

    Been lurking here on and off for a while and talking with some of the local 1/144 rc warship club up here. Been playing ww2 naval miniatures games like "Axis & Allies War at Sea" and Mongoose's "Victory at Sea". Looking forward to trying my hand at something just a bit bigger.

    I am now the proud owner of my own little County-class treaty cruiser, having picked up a beautiful hull from Bob Pottle this past weekend. I've been busy reading and asking questions and studying up so I can begin work on it next week.

    I "think" I'll be building the ship for standard 1/144 fast gun (IRCWCC??) which should readily convert to "Treaty" rules from what I understand.

    This weekend I'll be tagging along to the "CANATS"(?) meet to take photos and maybe get to drive one of the extra ships that should be present. This will be my first chance to actually see the ships on the water and in action and I'm pretty pumped up about it.

    And I want to take a ton of close-up photos showing how the different ships are laid out internally so I'll have more references when I start laying out my own. That's about it for now.

  2. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    Sunds like you're off to a great start, Mack! The Kents are great ships, roomy and not too light. I'm outfitting my own as we speak :) Going to Cannats is a great way to pick up some advice and ideas, although I'm sure that I'm not the first to tell you that :)

    Welcome to the obsession :)
  3. BoomerBoy17

    BoomerBoy17 Active Member

    May 27, 2008
    Welcome aboard, you sound like you know what you want and how your going to do it. Best of luck, and i like the Kent class, i hope you post the build.
  4. TheMackster

    TheMackster Member

    Sep 11, 2008

    I'm not quite sure what you mean by "post my build" for the ship?

    Is it about planned guns/locations and pump, and what motor(s) I will be using?

    I'm starting work on it next week once I get back from attending CANATS, and I plan on photographing every step of the construction from virgin hull thru marking waterline and windows until it's ready to do battle. I'll post it all as a newbie's first experience including all my mistakes and tales of woe. Would it be preferable to post it weekly or post the entire thing when done?

  5. BoomerBoy17

    BoomerBoy17 Active Member

    May 27, 2008
    When you start building, you can post a thread that details your build, can can(but dont have to) include pictures, and any and all questions are normally answered. It helps you, and it helps everyone else.
  6. Jay Jennings

    Jay Jennings Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    St. Croix, NS
    Hi Mack, long time no see [;)]. Glad that you finally made the jump, pity your Allied though. Oh well, welcome aboard and we'll see you on the pond (no ramming though!![:D])
  7. TheMackster

    TheMackster Member

    Sep 11, 2008

    Hey! That ram on your Scharny was the most damage I inflicted that sortie before my borrowed ship lost control. I'm sort of guiltily proud of it. Really shows how critical it will be for me to practise, practise, practise driving my own ship before I take it into battle. Even after videoing all of Saturday's battles I had no real idea just how quickly those puppies could collide in the lunatic swirling of combat.

    Sorry again about that Jay! Beauty repair you did on it though.

  8. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    [:)]Welcome aboard Mac! Thanks for rebuilding the bilge pump motor connection tabs. Much thanks in helping with patching the ships and asisting me with Warspite.

    If I can help in anyway to with your ship feel free anytime to contact me.

  9. The fuzzy one

    The fuzzy one Member

    Jan 24, 2007
    Hey Mackster, you'll have a blast running a county, I ran one when I was in Dartmouth, they're great not so little snipers once you get them set up.

    Here's a link to a site Visit this site I made a while back with pics if you'd like to see how I set up the internals, but I was constantly modifying them. Feel free to send me any questions you have @ (replace the AT with an @ sign)

  10. TheMackster

    TheMackster Member

    Sep 11, 2008
    Thanks Brechin! Those photos help a lot!