Newbie from Jersey!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Phoenix, Jun 26, 2011.

  1. Phoenix

    Phoenix New Member

    Jun 26, 2011
    Hello my name is Matt.
    I have been looking at Naval Combat now and again and have finally decided to do something about it. Sadly I do not posses master craftmanships but I am a vastly quick leaner which may assist me in my goal.
    I am looking for any local clubs or a standard rule set I may look into so that I may be able to find a ship / plans and think about what I want to build. Any help from anyone, especially locally, is greatly appreciated!
  2. rarena

    rarena Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2008
    Hi Matt!
    Welcome aboard.
    We have a few members in NJ, NY, Conn. My group NYBG meets a few times a year for battle and build days. The ruleset is IRCWCC (fast gun). I have two members in NJ and our next local meet will be a battle in Cockaskie, NY at the end of August.
    Rob A.
  3. Phoenix

    Phoenix New Member

    Jun 26, 2011
    Thanks for the welcome.

    Does your group - NYBG - have a website I may refer to or more importantly a link to the IRCWCC rule set? It would be wonderful if I would be allowed to join a meeting.
  4. SnipeHunter

    SnipeHunter Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2007
    Hey Matt!
    I'm one of the guys that battles with Rob in the NYBG who lives in NJ. (I live in Morris County) Normally I'd be more than willing to help you out but as it so happens I'm in the middle of my summer vacation trip to Afghanistan and wont be back till late fall. However Rob is a great guy and if you get a chance to go up to one of the NYBG meetings/battles I highly suggest it, even if you dont have a ship it's a great learning experience.

    There are a lot of threads on here about good rookie boats and picking a suitable starter ship can make a big difference but also picking a ship you want to build a major help.

    Also the IRCWCC rules can be found here :

    Welcome to the hobby, I hope you find a ship you like and we get to see you on the water soon!