Hey I am fairly new to this hobby, and have experience with RC aircraft so I figured I'd give ships a try! I'm about 1/6 the way done with my first ship, which is scratch built. Thats bout it.
A Iowa class battleship, the USS Missouri to be specific since I know someone who served on it (In 1984-88, not WWII) plus it has such an exciting and eventful history.
If you haven't already found it, the Booklet of General Plans for the USS Missouri is available in pdf at http://www.ussmissouri.com/documents/blueprints.pdf There are also three Iowa Class build threads on the forum right now, though all of them start with fiberglass. http://rcnavalcombat.com/Forum/tabid/58/afv/search/Default.aspx?aftg=USS+Iowa Will you be battling Treaty, or Fast Gun?
I'm thinking treaty, but I'm having issues finding the rules list (grrrr) but I did the scale that everyone else is doing on here so I should be ok until I get to the gun systems and electronics.
In the files area of the Treaty Yahoo Group (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TreatyCombat/), there's a pdf copy of the 2011 rules. Pop in over there and say hi as well if you haven't already. Their Yahoo Group is an active group, and there are also a lot of Treat members here on RCNC.
Treaty Rules are also posted here: http://www.rcnavalcombat.com/Forum/tabid/58/aff/557/aft/441916/afv/topic/Default.aspx You do have to be logged into your rcnavalcombat forum account to view though.
You are in a pretty good location for getting into the boats. The Buckeye Battle squadron is in Newark. Fast-gun. And Treaty, and Battlestations is over around the Dayton area. We all have busy build-session, and battle schedules. Welcome aboard.. Mikey
Chris Au lives (MWC) lives south of Cleveland w/ his own personal pond it has to be at least 4 acres.. real nice pond.
Hey guy When ever you have time we could get together and build. Also have a guy in canal winchester doing an Ise Battleship. Buddy
Hey Maxt One of our guys is in Polaris and is moving I think this weekend to Delware. Is this close to you ? Buddy