Norm Wassen Passed Away - Copy of Email sent to me by Chris Osborne

Discussion in 'North Atlantic Battle Squadron' started by Craig, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. Craig

    Craig Active Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    Sad news Captains,
    Here is the email verbatim from Captain Osborne to myself and a few others:
    It is with Deep Sadness I have to inform you of my best friend Norman Wasson's passing. As you all may remember he had been suffering for a number of years from lung problems and recently had a spell which landed him in hospital. His heart was not able to deal with the increased stress and high co2 levels and he suffered a heart attack, but although he managed to recover and was sitting up in bed he suddenly slumped over and passed on.

    I cannot express to you how much Norm meant to me, he was like a father figure for me especially in these last few months. I would spend hours talking to him on the phone or in person before he moved to Ontario to live with his daughter Christine. It was meant to be that our two paths should cross, he had had such similar experiences to mine that he always was able to give me the perfect advice in almost any given circumstance. Now whether I took that advice or tried to find my own way through a mess... either way he was usually right on!

    I lost my father on July 7th this year, and Norm was a HUGE help to me, his kind words, rememberances and once again advice helped me get through a terrible time. My father and he were friends, but once my Dad introduced Norm to me we became instant life-long friends and I was to him closer than I am to any other friend. I was talking to him just a few days ago, I thought he was doing well, so did he. He had finially got his train layout started, and was a member of historical railway club in Kingston. He had met some great people in the hobby up there and was getting help from a couple fellows in his N-Guage railway construction. The HMS Barham which I built for him was a large centerpiece amoungst his collection. He researched it to death, and I went overboard doing my best to build it the way it should be built. I know Norm is in a better place, where his lungs don't strain to catch a breath, but I can't help but miss him so much and wish he were here with us still. I was counting on him to be there in the coming months and years for more of his encouragement.

    Norm was born in 1937 in Truro Nova Scotia, but called Saint John his home from a very early age. His father died young and his mother died when he was only 19. He attended Argicultural College in Nova Scotia and for a few years tried his hand at farming his own farm. He worked for the Saint John Iron Works and then for Frank Fales / L.E Whittaker Co. After his retirement he lived at the Loch Lomund Villa Apartments before moving to Ontario to live with his daughter Christine in Kingston. Norm was a member of the ADANAC Association to which my father John Sullivan also belonged, he was a member of the Saint John Marine Modelers Association, the Saint John Society of Model Railroaders, and the North Atlantic Battle Squadron. He was involved with the Saint John Fire Association and was a long time volunteer with the Salvage Corps. in Saint John.

    Norm was predeceased by his wife and he is survived by a daughter Christine of Kingston, Ontario, a son William of Saint John, Daughter Shelly also of Saint John and a third daughter somewhere in Asia. He was overjoyed that there were two recent additions to the family tree, his daughter Shelly had given birth to two boys both healthy and strong. They look like their grandfather!

    Norm had a love of nature, especially liked bird watching, but I think his greatest pass-times were his love of history and politics and expecially his collection of models. He would talk for hours to me about models and miniature figures, and the history of the real artifact that they were modeled after.

    I'll always remember you Norm, you've made impacted my life in so many ways that I can't describe, thanks for the memories my friend.

    I'll have to leave it at that I'm "out of oumph kiddo!" to put it like Norm would.

    Christopher Osborne
    God Bless


    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Norm's respective families.

    Craig Nash
  2. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    I will Miss Norm Wasson . He was one of a kind. A true gentleman and a keen observer of life and all the interesting things that go along with it. I remember my first time meeting Norm. With his difficult time breathing I couldn't see him maintaining interest in RC combat for any length of time. How surprised I was to see him show up at Can-nats more than once after a long drive from SaintJohn NB. He was staying in a Motel one time and I went to meet him and assist him. He had several tanks of oxygen and he was concerned about the humidity at the shore. He was always a joy to talk to and I admired his strength of will to get out there and be with us and enjoy the hobby whether at the lake for an battle or at an event or at shows. He always had a tale to tell and a great smile to go along with it. I will miss his humor and his great insights. Norm always called me periodiocaly to check on me and my status with my treatments for Cancer. We always had a long conversation about the hobby and his trains and other collections. He actually made it here to St.John's the year before last to see the trains here and the history around them. Unfortuntaly I was working but I did speak to him on the phone while he was here. The city was shrouded in thick fog at the time so he probalby didn't see much but it never dampened his spirits. Norm I will miss hearing from you and all the jokes you sent me via email. You were a joy to talk to and a GREAT person to know. I know that when I sail my models on the pond you will be there watching with a great big smile.
    With fond memories till we meet again.

    Curt Stokes
  3. Chris Easterbrook

    Chris Easterbrook Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2008
    Sorry to hear that I never had the pleasure of meeting Norm but all I heard was he was a rare and good man. He will be sorley missed. My thoughts go out to his family and freinds.
  4. Bob Pottle

    Bob Pottle Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2007
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    My condolences to Norm Wasson's family and friends. He was a true gentleman who enjoyed many aspects of modelling beyond R/C naval combat. Photos of his HMS Barham regularly rotate though this website's title page, smoke belching from her stacks.
    Norm was a good friend of my aunt Leona, who lived in the same senior's complex in Saint John. He was also a friend to all NABS members he met. Unfortunately advanced lung disease placed limitations on his participation in battling, but he enjoyed what he was able to do. Norm will be missed.
  5. Jay Jennings

    Jay Jennings Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    St. Croix, NS
    My deepest condolences to all his family and friends.
  6. bb26

    bb26 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    My condolences to the friends and family of Norm Wasson. He will be missed.
  7. Craig

    Craig Active Member

    Dec 30, 2006

    There will be a memorial this coming week for Norm in St. John, Chris and I will be attending. He asked if anyone has any stories or testimonials of Norm to send them along to me or post them here and I will see that they get to Norm's family.

    Thanks again,

  8. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    Craig my post here you can use.
  9. slow_and_ugly

    slow_and_ugly Active Member

    May 29, 2007
    I met Norm only a few times, but I remember those meetings well.
    Something, or perhaps everything, about him exuded calmness and acceptance.
    He immediately put you at ease and left you feeling good.
    I can't explain it - but I felt it, and because of it I have thought of him surprisingly often.

    I am sorry to hear of his passing.
  10. Craig

    Craig Active Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    Thanks very much guys.