[] i COULD NOT HELP MY SELF..HONESTLY. After serious mental review, my own subconsious talking here...and the uncertain Financial market...I decided to order my final ship...yes FINAL... while I still can and able and still affordable..I ordered the NAGATO!!!!! AXIS are back! Yamato has seen the sunset and the new DAWN awaits NAGATO as my Japanese Capital kick butt battle wagon...Combat-x style of course.. heh heh. [][][}][}][}][][^]
I figure I have one more boat left to build and then I will be happy. I an not sure if I want allied or Axis. If it is Axis I am thinking of a scharny, nagato or a Konig Allies would be a Tennessee
What will you do when you stop building Curt? Are you still going to battle, but just keep up the boats that you currently have? Oh yes oh yes battle them and keep them maintained.
ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! You are all insane.... I have another project lined up after Graf Spee.... Axis is either Scharnnie or Prinz Eugen.... Allied is either Massachusetts or Washington. We are all insane!
Is there any other way? Arg'ing is a fine art don't you know.... it was an appropriate response to the silliness at hand.
I just have one question: how many ships can you use at any one time? I know that if a person is ambidexterous, that person could control one ship per hand. I suppose if you slaved all of the models' receivers to one transmitter, you could in theory control as many ships as you could get into range. That would be some awesome Officer of the Watch Maneuvers!!! We should have tried that at CANNATS Curt! Also, if you increase the input frequency into the modulated capacitance multiplexer chip at the cutoff point to the fluxuated inverter, you could decrease the time it takes for the digital transmitters and receivers to lock on to each other and make use of the 10 model memory available in the newer radios. J
True true Jay... and I followed that... so that was wierd and stuff.... ummmmm Curt actually is perfecting clones. He will clone himself. August 2009 CANNATS Part XI - Attack of Curt's Clones Stay tuned....
You may be able to input the 10 models but impossible to control all 10 simultaneously. Unless you have eyesight like a fly.
Hey Curt my final plan is to have 8 models. I have the 3 so far so why not have 10. But I for one could never build an ugly Jap or American boat, they are just too dame ugly.
If I ever decide to outfit NAGATO for CWC-X it would be a class 7. Because she carried Torps I can take 1 unit cannon and use it as a Spurt Cannon 25rds per spurt. I can mount it broadside or bow or stern. Should be interesting.