ORP Blyskawica

Discussion in 'Photos & Videos' started by Gary Powell, May 30, 2016.

  1. Gary Powell

    Gary Powell Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2015
    Northern California
    This ship was actually built last year, but in it's first attempt to hit the water... it rolled and was heading for the bottom. It was then promptly sold and a new, much lighter superstructure built. It ran later in the year, but with only marginal success.

    ORP Blyskawica

    She was then re-sold back to the original owner, but not before being given to another club member for refit. The refit consisted of putting full rotation in front and rear, which was no easy feat. The stern area is so shallow, that it was near impossible to get the rotation in and looking scale. Damage was repaired and the ship given an authentic paint job currently found on the museum ship ported in Gdynia Poland. This is one of our fastest 3 gun destroyers and one of the smallest. Originally launched new in 2015, the ship is now back with most of the bugs worked out and it did very well this past weekend. Also, if you look closely, you'll see that pump is working to keep her afloat.

    Note: I am certain that if World of Warship (the on line game) had not introduced this ship into their game, many on this combat forum would not have the slightest knowledge regarding this ship.