Pond sailing

Discussion in 'Photos & Videos' started by CURT, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    Had a great couple of days at 2 different lakes. One in the city and one outside of the city.
    Since this run I worked on the port gear drive system to quiet it down more. The motor itself was slipping and the gears were not meshing well. I improved the rudder throw. Secured some of the wiring harness and installed a new pump switch. I had broken the taps off the previous one accidentally.
    The Dogs were a hoot to play with as we both were trying to fetch for the ball. Those dogs are very strong swimmers. :)
  2. rarena

    rarena Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2008
    Nice shots... ships look like they are out at sea
  3. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    Thanks Iceman.
  4. Miller7D

    Miller7D Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    Heh, Stok, great minds think alike! I didn't even notice this thread before I posted my most recent photos: we have similar picture styles for some of them, which I think is pretty cool.

    I'm also noticing the striking difference between your drive system and mine; with geared down shafts and propellers with a smaller bite, your wake is FAR gentler than mine is. If these photos compared to mine are any indication, if you're right on target with your speed, I'm probably two to four seconds overspeed in my current configuration, which is useful information to have for trial and error and further testing. Also, the termite armor you've added looks great! I definitely need to get some of that for the Illinois! What did you use to make the window frames on your bridge deck?
  5. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    Hey Miller7D funny your looking at mine and I'm looking at yours to make corrections.Great minds DO think alike.I did another run this past weekend and have photos to compare with these ones. I ran the ship on 3 batteries to see how it sits and then ran more tests with the reduced weight. I finished the mods to the interior layout last night. I got pics of the wake after the reduction and more pics of her wake running at speed. I mentioned this in another thread in the Warship Builds but basically quarterdeck doesn't get wet in a turn if there is a light chop , there's more freeboard on the aft quarters and the stern is up. However the wake looks basically the same. Reverse speed she can go much much further before the stern begins to get swamped. Reaction time and acclleration in reverse is much quicker. Stopping is better. Turning with or without the drag props not sure if there was any noticeable difference. Sitting idle I think it closely looks like your model's. When running the water doesn't seem to rise as high on the quarters as it did when it was at it's heavy load. The gears were even quiter this time around so I think they are finally broke in.

    The window frames I used 1/4 inc pinstripe tape and I took a section of chicken wire with the small openings to match what the size on the plans and then I prebent the chicken wire mesh to conform to the shape of the bridge then attached the frame with CA.

    I will post pics this evening so that I can compare with your pics and see if I am getting closer. I can tell you I reweighed everthing and so far I got the model down from 47lb to 39-40 lbs. I am trying to get it to 43-44lbs. I think by the time I havy cannons and pneumatic valves and accumulators, plus the superstructure and deck details added I should be close if not I think I may need to add only 2lbs or 1lb to get it exact.

    I think the speed may be dead on but I hope to verifiy very soon maybe this weekend when I get out for another run.
  6. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    Ok I have the photos here to post and you can compare the Mo's look after the weight reduction. Had a good time sailing her with the reduced weight. Took her waaay out to the middle of the pond and back several times. I posted some pics under the warship build but these were the next day and I had better adjustemts made . Also had some company along with the PT109.
  7. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    This looks better to me.
    Bows on shot with the reduced weight.
    Miller take note of the stern wake here.
    The Mo's new wake! No of course not silly.
    Maybe we should have the Iowas have this kind of rooster tail
    The "PUNISHER" of Marvel Comics Fame was out driving his Swamp Buggy and kicking up quite a wake.
    The water was getting choppy with all the nearyby Pond activity aka PT109, Punisher, SpeedBoat, SeaPlanes, Jetskis, waterskiers, and outboarders. Lots of large Trout were being caught in the area.
    The Mo was checking out the canoe.
    That's it for now. I won't post anymore till I can get more work further done on Mo and get more detail aboard. Hope you enjoyed the pics and if they are helpful .Great .