The first pre-dreadnaught to roll off of the assembly line. A present to Phil. A boat that he has been talking about building for years. Mikey
You should look at the Strike Radetsky hull. A few of us at dinner one night were compairing hull sizze and shape of other pre-dreads to it. Most looked to be close enough to modify that fiberglass hul into other pre-dreads. Having built one I can tell you a wood hull will be a lot harder to make work. If you try to put three guns in it the space runs out really fast. Fiberglass hulls have a lot more room in them.
I see a King Edward VII. Who is building that one? Lord Nelson looks really nice! I'm starting to think that I like building hulls more than finishing ships. Beaver
We are still looking for rib cross-sections for the Wobbly 8. A very cool class of ships indeed. One of the locals found the plans for it. One of the locals is also perhaps working on a kit for one of the Frenchies. I won't mention any names! Or ships names either. But I am excited about a new French kit. That will of course be my first project when I get one. We have been discussing the fiberglass hull for the Radetsky. If we run into anyone that is interested in that ship, then that will be the way to go. But for the most part, we are trying to build some wooden pre-dreadnaughts locally in order to motivate others to find one that they like and built it in order to get the project off the ground. Mikey
The top hull looks like a Lord Nelson to me, but the closest set of plans is a member of the Wobbly Eights. Froggy, don't you have the K-E-VII hull lines on that first set of plans in the picture? I recognize them from here. Beaver
No, that one is a little shorter than a Liberte class. It shares close dimensions with the Illinois class, which you could probably build from the kit if you modified the front casemate from an innie to an outie. THIS is the Liberte/Republique class, which I still need to assemble.
If I were to guess, I'd say the mystery hull was a Idaoho/Mississippi, with a lesser chance of it being of the Maine (BB-10) class.