Properly arming weird ships for a new member

Discussion in 'Washington Treaty Combat' started by Reckless, Feb 20, 2008.

  1. Reckless

    Reckless Active Member

    Feb 15, 2008
    Ladysmith BC
    okay Ive got a couple questions for arming a couple weird ships

    one is a battle carrier... the other a sub

    okay first the sub as it falls within definately rules (this will be a copy paste for a different thread )

    okay.. seeing as how a sub doesnt get a damage control pump.

    how would a single shot 1 unit stern gun - really simple coil feed BB breech (bouncing BB's)

    and a pair of 1/4 rip guns on the nose just under the deck.. again really simple.. barrel, oring, mag/breach.. the oring holds 5bb's in a breech just big enough for them .. more then likely I'll use the small disposable c02 cartridges for the co2 handguns.

    so... can class 1's split single units? I would think that would be more useful in something like a torpedo boat.

    now the battle carrier... specifically an Ise BBCV

    4 main guns .. the secondaries are plated over.. and it carries 20 planes ... how would this work for allowed armorment?

    not looking for a debate on it's usefullness just on how it should be armed .. or atleast which rules to use

  2. crzyhawk

    crzyhawk Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Alexandria, VA
    Well, the sub, you're going to have problems with. Not because of anything you can or cant do, it's that I've never heard of anyone making one legal for small gun combat that was stable enough to turn without rolling over. I harbor serious doubts of fitting all that hardware in a sub. That's not to say you can't do it, it's just to say I doubt anyone will have useful advice for you.

    As for the Ise, we had some discussions about those ships specifically on the email list, I'll see if I can dig them out of the archive to post for you.

    Mike D
  3. crzyhawk

    crzyhawk Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Alexandria, VA
    Well, a quick search through my own archives didnt show anything, but the relevant emails might be on my laptop at work. However, I've sent an email to the other founders of Treaty and asked if one of them remembered the discussion and what was decided.

    What I'd do (and I am highly certain this set up is legal; I am more concerned that some other setups with multiple stern guns may not be legal) is set it up with 2 1.5 unit side mounts: 1 in "A" turret, one in "B" turrret with one covering the port quadrant, the other starboard. I'd set up a single 1.0 unit cannon firing aft in a secondary turret, and run with a 1.5 unit pump.

    I think it would be a solid ship, and very nasty when trading sidemounts. 1.5 unit sides is going to allow it to shell out some nice damage, while the 1.5 unit pump will allow you to take a little more damage then most battleships with a 1.0 unit pump. The 1 unit stern gun will keep people honest.

    Mike D
  4. Boatmeister

    Boatmeister Active Member

    Aug 29, 2007
    Chesterton, Indiana
    If my memory serves me right, you can not have more guns than units. In otherwords, if you have a 2 unit ship, you can not have 3 (or 4 in the case of a 2.5 unit ship) 1/2 unit guns in the ship. Even though the guns are 1/2 units, the total number of operable guns (at one time) is 3 (or 4). So the thought of a pair of rip guns would not work. The reason for this is to attempt to keep the damage down. Even though you have 1/2 of the bb's in each gun, ganging them together can cause lots of damage in a short period of time. Which is why the founders wanted to avoid the massive damage and stress the fun aspect to all on the water during a battle.

    As to the Ise hybrid, it would be armed up as a battleship. All of our unit distribution is based on the standard tonnage (at launch). Same with our carriers. But the Ise was partially converted and retained the majority of its battleship characteristics. So the Ise would be a 5.5 unit battleship. As Mike pointed out, it would be a nasty one with twin rudders, moderate speed, good hull volumn and the fact it is so unique in appearance doesn't hurt. As far as the gun placements, it all depends on how you want to battle. You could set it up as Mike said (not sure of the secondary turret in the back. Have too look that up :) ) Or you could use the remaining 4 turrets with a small "X" in turrents "A" and "B" (<15 deg. off the centerline) and have the midship guns angle so it just misses the catapult off either side to help cover your stern. That way you could hit them coming (either side) and going (either side).
  5. crzyhawk

    crzyhawk Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Alexandria, VA
    I was just looking at some pictures and statistics for the Ise. It appears that the original 5.5" secondaries were removed when she was converted to a BBCV, which leaves 16 5"/40 DP guns as the secondaries, and I am pretty sure some of them are aft facing, although it's a little hard to tell. That being said, both Mikey and Phil had the stern cannons in their Dunkerque class BCs in the aircraft hangar, rather then actually in the secondary. The rules do state that if the main battery turrets are too small to house the cannon, the cannon may be mounted in the superstructure.

    I'd read that to also cover the legal aft mounted cannon on an all-forward armed ship, so placing it in the superstructure under the flight deck, I'd personally consider legal. Of course my interpretation is certainly not the one that matters!

    Another thing which could be done, after looking at some images, it appears the flight deck rests over (height wise)where the main battery turrets sat. So, you could build the ship as it would have appeared as a battleship, and simply place a removable flight deck over the top of your two aft main battery turrets. That way, if anyone were to ever be hesitant about the legality, you could simply pull the flight deck portion off and say "OK now it's just a plain battleship", and nobody would be able to say anything about it. That's just my two cents though...
  6. Gettysburg114th

    Gettysburg114th Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2007
    I was looking at Fuso and Ise class ships. They would have some very interesting places to put guns.