PT-Boats & Motor Gun Boats vs PTB's & MGB's! ...1/48+...?!

Discussion in 'Scenarios / Gameplay' started by TorpCruiser, Jun 5, 2023.

  1. TorpCruiser

    TorpCruiser Active Member

    May 16, 2022
    Everett, WA
    Not sure if this is exactly the proper section to post this, but seemed to fit.

    How about building 1/48 scale (or larger) PT-Boats & Motor Gun Boats to battle each other?! All the major combatants of WW2 had the various boats mentioned... Compared to ALL of the "full size" warships, all of the deck detail/super structure is simpler as are the hull shapes, no torp bulges nor barbettes...

    I would personally love to do this...
  2. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    The WWCC used PT boats as a visitor attraction between battles at the Maker Faire around 2010-2012. They were armed with mousetrap-powered ping-pong ball launchers, and scored points by shooting into a hoop in the middle of the pond. I am heading down to visit the WWCC this weekend, I will ask what happened to those boats.

    That said, PT boats and MTBs are not great for RC combat. Planing hulls are simple shapes, but dangerously unstable when you add cannons and aggressive combat maneuvers. Planing hulls are also difficult to damage in such a way to cause flooding, since all you have to do is keep moving at speed and most of the hull is out of the water. A better option is destroyers - still fast-moving, but displacement hulls are more stable at speed and are properly susceptible to battle damage. There's actually a group that battles 1:72 destroyers, the Queen's Own. They are based in Washington, or at least they were until pond problems in 2021. I haven't heard much from them recently.
    If 1:72 destroyers are not your cup of tea, how about Pre-dreadnoughts? As long as you don't go crazy with the casemates and knuckles, they have pretty simple hull shapes. People have been developing them quite a bit recently, there are now at least three different fully 3d-printable predreadnoughts available: Deutschland, Mikasa, and Virginia.
    TorpCruiser and notSoGnarly like this.
  3. TorpCruiser

    TorpCruiser Active Member

    May 16, 2022
    Everett, WA
    I just love MGBs & MTBs. Back-In-the-Day (25yrs+ ago) down in Puyallup, Queen's Own club had a display with some rather large 1/72 ships and a 1/72 PT-Boat (IIRC, it was more of an E-Boat- just two torp launching tubes) I've had the itch ever since. It's still a combat scenario I'd like to try...despite any negatives.

    It's most likely I'll do a DD/DE of some sort (Or another Myoko if I come across another kit). Maybe a Mikasa...
    I've ordered some paper card models to use as templates....
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2023