Purpos built Pitch leveling gyro

Discussion in 'Age of Sail' started by meatbomber, Jan 10, 2012.

  1. meatbomber

    meatbomber Member

    Jan 9, 2012
    Hello folks, i`ve just found something that might be the answer to the problem of keeping the guns level while heeling throug use of a gyro and servos. Flipping through a local RC magazine i saw this device:
    it`s a purpose built gyro thats intended to be used as a pitch controler for subs.
    Quote from the german page: Neue Version 2.2 mit elektronischer Nullpunkteinstellung und Tiefenpassfilter.
    Für Oberflächenfahrzeuge wie Panzer, Autos (LKWs) und Schiffe ist eine Sonderstellung nötig, da die Vibrationen beim Fahren sonst den Servo derart zittern lassen, dass er keine vernünftigen Stellbewegungen mehr zustande bringt. Ein eingebauter Filter hält die schnellen Bewegungen ab und läßt den Regler nur auf dauerhafte Schräglagen reagieren.

    Damit sind Rohrlageregelungen an Panzern ebenso realisierbar wie Querstabilisatoren an Schiffen oder Ballastverschiebungen an Segelbooten.

    Translation: New Version 2.2. with electronical center adjustment and low-pass filters.
    Surface Vehicles like tanks, cars (trucks) and ships need a special setting, as vibrations during operation would otherwise make the servo tremble so much that no reasonable regulation of teh motion is possible. An installed filter is filtering out the fast movements and makes the gyro react only on permanent deflections.
    through this gun barrel elevation control on tanks is as feasible as roll stabilizers on ships or moveable ballasts on sail boats.
    it`s also tiny and lightweight.
  2. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    Wow, that's amazing. I wonder how easy it is to waterproof.
  3. meatbomber

    meatbomber Member

    Jan 9, 2012
    Another idea, just to get the mechanical side lighter / easier. Why not just instead of trying to level the guns use this to interrupt pressure to the broadside that is too high ? then only 1 servo should be neede and 2 valves that open and close as the servo dictates depending on roll angle..

    So bsically just a safety OFF in case a broad side gets heeled too far above the horizon.

    The skipper would still have to use his judgement of how far his shot will go depending on heel as long it`s in the safe window... "on the up-roll ... F I R E !! " :D
  4. SteveT44

    SteveT44 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    Caswell has a similar device www.caswellplating.com/models/pitch.html
    On an interrupter circuit. Instead of blocking pressure to a gun bank, I was going to use limit switches that would block voltage to the firing solenoids.
  5. meatbomber

    meatbomber Member

    Jan 9, 2012
    DOH, yea thats even better, and an installation like this would fit even in the smallest hulls!
  6. Gascan

    Gascan Active Member

    Jul 22, 2007
    Sounds good to me.