What kind of e-mail address are you e-mailing from? I had no difficulty in reaching them via e-mail just a couple weeks ago; if you use a free e-mail like yahoo or hotmail, you may be getting filtered out by the spam filter. Also, some spam filters nowadays are filtering based upon punctuation and word patterns (or lack thereof) so if your e-mails lack full sentences, the filter may be dropping your e-mails on that basis.
does all of the cannons on a ship have to work.. i mean like if theres 15 guns but 4 turrets.. do you have to make all of them working shooting bb guns on the scale model... that would be a of guns to put on it.. can you just put like mabye 4 working guns if you wonted to?
No, small guns limit the number of combat units available based on ship type. I think big gun allows arming anything that you can squeeze into the hull. Battlestations allows arming any gun over 3" and you again can arm as many as you can fit into the hull.
I believe that if you really wanted to, on a ship equipped with 88mm anti aircraft guns, you could try to arm every single one for 1/96. [] That would make for a difficult job trying to fit everything in of course.
i tried both of them the one on the web site and the browning shipyard email address and i used full sentences
Sobor, The simple answer is, "no." While in Big Gun, you MAY arm anything over 3" that you CAN figure out how to arm (in most clubs - WWCC has limitations), you are not required to arm any that you do not wish to. And, as already noted, there is a limitation on guns you can arm based on ship class in Small/Fast Gun, but you can also trade guns for pumping capacity to a point as I understand their rules. As en exxample, we have a Dunkerque and a Richelieu in our club (NTXBG). The Dunk has only its two mains turrets armed. Richelieu has both its two forward mains and its 3 stern secondaries armed. Most ships with a mid turret, like the USS New York and USS Texas do not arm the center turret, as it is of limited effectiveness and needs to occupy the same space ad your CO2 and batteries. Cheers, Wreno
That was amazing, I know where to go now, if i ever want to build a richelieu(my dream of course, if i had a larger sum of cash, thats why, and dont chastize me for it, im starting with an LST-542 class landing ship)
Well, when you are ready to build your Richelieu, we will be ready to help with that project also. Mikey Former skipper of two Jean Barts.