Radio box interference ?

Discussion in 'Electrical & Radio' started by t_josef, Jan 19, 2009.

  1. t_josef

    t_josef Member

    Sep 4, 2008
    I'm trying to organize the internals of my ship, and was wondering: What can I reasonably put into an otter box without interference?
    I was thinking my receiver (fut 2.4), rec. battery, 3 team delta cards & Maybe a team delta switch for pump. Is this pushing my luck for interference?
  2. DeletedUser

    DeletedUser Guest

    If you're worried about RF noise, and not physical space, then I'd think you're OK with the team delta cards. I'm not sure you want the team delta switch for a pump, because high current near sensitive electronics (like radio) may cause some problems.
    Taking a step back, though, why do you even WANT a water-resistant box? Personally, I've never used a water-resistant box of any sort. Looking at the list of stuff you want to protect, you'd be better off ditching the box (and all its wasted space) and simply coating each circuitboard with a layer or two of 3M Skotchkote. Even the receiver battery can easily be protected by skotchkote on the seams. Water-resistant boxes (there's no such thing as a truly water-proof box) offer quicker sink recovery when they work, but if one should fail then it's basically doom for your equipment; it traps water inside and slows you down from doing an alcohol flush and other recovery procedures.