radio education

Discussion in 'Electrical & Radio' started by jimmybeekeeper, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. jimmybeekeeper

    jimmybeekeeper Active Member

    Aug 2, 2014
    ten mile tn
    ok so i know i need 6 channels or more i like the turnigy from hobbyking but i dont know what the abbreviations and terms mean do i want mode 1 or 2 is tx and rx important stick modes?
  2. Cannonman

    Cannonman Ultimate Hero :P -->> C T D <<--

    Apr 9, 2008
    Hermitage, Tn
    The difference between mode 1 & 2 is the location of the throttle stick. I believe mode 2 is more common, this is when the left stick is the throttle, and you turn with the right stick. Mode 1 is the opposite. Some of the radios (at least the Turnigy 9x) can be switched between modes by disassembling and swapping some components from side to side, which is what I did because the mode I wanted was out of stock at the time. Its a matter of personal preference which type you want. Tx refers to the transmitter (the radio itself) and Rx is the receiver.... you will need one of each for an operable radio system. Several of the radio kits come with the receiver, some do not, this allows you to buy the radio and receiver separately to save from getting and paying for a receiver that you know you don't want, should you desire a different receiver than comes in the pre-packaged set. If you decide to buy them separately, you have to make sure they are compatable with one another.
  3. Cannonman

    Cannonman Ultimate Hero :P -->> C T D <<--

    Apr 9, 2008
    Hermitage, Tn
    If you can swing the purchase price, the FRsky Taranis has a boat load of channels, and is arguably one of the better layouts for our usage, especially big gun where turret rotation comes into play. It also has lots of the upgrades that people tend to mod their 9x radios to add, and has telemetry built in (can provide feedback about your models status so you can read some things such as battery voltage or motor temperature - with the proper sensors etc.). I'm planning on snagging one at some point, especially since I had upgraded my 9x to use FRskys module and receiver and would be able to run all my ships with either radio without changing receivers.

    Also, always follow the rule to wait to buy the radio until you can't go without it any longer. Things change so fast that if you buy it now, there may be something better or more suited to your needs 6 months later and you will be kicking yourself for not waiting..... kind of like me with purchasing the 9x, then the Taranis came out 6 months later with all the features I had added to my 9x and then some..... I should have waited!
  4. jimmybeekeeper

    jimmybeekeeper Active Member

    Aug 2, 2014
    ten mile tn
    thanks very helpfull