Every club runs by its own rules, so the answer is not a simple one. Which club are you asking about?
Hehe... we're in pretty different clubs. I do what is called "fast gun" and Carl does what is called "big gun". There are a fair number of people who battle on the west coast (Washington, anyway), I would find out what rules they battle to and go with that so you can battle with someone near you. Not that I don't want you in my club, I just don't think we have anyone closer than middle California. If you want to look at the rules for the clubs I'm in just for giggles, the MWC rules are at: http://www.mwci.org/rules.shtml For Battlestations (1/96 scale), the rules are on these forums in the "Local Clubs" under "Battlestations". I'd tell you what rules Carl uses, but I forget Archer and Justin Battle near you, and they are both hardcore and very smart people who can be a great help. Ditto for Carl, who battles in California with his brother Gascan although I'm not sure how close or far any of these are from you.
Gascan and I battle with the Western Warship Combat Club, which is based in that magical land known as "Silicon Valley". Yep, right about halfway between North California and South California, and a little west of Central California. You can find our rules on the WWCC website: www.westernwarshipcombat.com I think that the closest club to you is the Queen's Own, a 1/72 club that is best described as a hybrid between Fast Gun and Big Gun. If you haven't already, introduce yourself on their forum: http://www.microrccenter.com/forum/index.php?s=d70d50e3d765557a267dbf3b1240f375&showforum=26