Selling Hood

Discussion in 'North Atlantic Battle Squadron' started by Ian, Oct 8, 2011.

  1. Ian

    Ian Member

    Apr 30, 2008
    HMS Hood, built by Bob Pottle
    I find myself in need of money
    the ship is nearly ready to go
    i'll entertain some serious offers, Hood still looks great on my shelf and I don't really want to let it go
  2. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    Sorry to see you offering her up for sale.
    I think that if you do end up selling her, you will regret it forever.
    So I hope that you can find the money that you need some other way.
    I had to offer my Hood up for sale earlier this year. But I was able to
    work things out, and keep mine.
    I love that boat.
  3. Bob Pottle

    Bob Pottle Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2007
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    This is one of the most detailed R/C combat models I've built and represents Hood on 1920 trials. The plans were from the 'Anatomy of the Ship' book. I sold her as a disarmed model about 7 years ago, but she came back to Nova Scotia in 2008 and was sold to Ian. Ian and I worked to rearm her in 2009-2010 but it's been a year since our last session. The only work left is to reinstall the guns in the barbettes.
    Hood was never fully battle ready due to gun reliability problems: as many as 3 of 5 guns misfired in her only 2 battles. Both times she was easily defeated by Curt Stoke's Bismarck. Transporting her in a Corolla was another problem, but now we have a car with plenty of room. I've decided to buy Hood back though she'll never be a good battler and will probably reside in my office after more detailing.
    To improve survivability one gun will be replaced by a second pump. That'll remove one of the dual stern guns in X turret, which never found a target due to the model's poor turning. A and B turrets will remain sidemounts, X will be a stern gun off-set 15 degrees, and Y will remain a rotating 180 degree sidemount very close to the waterline. Like the real ship the model's wake comes close to swamping the quarterdeck when she's on a straight run.
  4. bb26

    bb26 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    I am glad to hear it is going back to you Bob. She is a beautiful ship.
  5. Bob Pottle

    Bob Pottle Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2007
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    Paul, it'll be good to get Hood back and finally into reliable battling condition. The last time I ran her was with Curt's Bismarck. Following Bismarck in line ahead and zig-zagging she was handling better with a new, deeper rudder design but still had a turning circle several feet wider at full helm.
    Building a model that big and detailed takes a long time Nikki. It took me more than a year to make the hull plug ('96-'97) and have the mold professionally made ('98). I sold the Hood mold and most of my other molds to Strike Models when I stopped making hulls.
    The model took several years to build because of the complex superstructure, especially the tripod mast, bridge and spotting top. I chose the simplest build which was Hood in 1920 but may rebuild her to 1941 configuration, which will mean quite a few changes to the bridge and boat deck and replacing the six 6" guns by nine (?) 4" DPAA guns and a rocket launcher on B turret.
  6. NASAAN101

    NASAAN101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Pittsburgh PA, USA
    Even if i do get her! It would only be after i get my two finish and i know I can!!
  7. Jay Jennings

    Jay Jennings Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    St. Croix, NS
    Hey Bob,
    Glad that Hood will be going home, I remember how much you liked that boat.
    Adding a second pump should help but remember, she is still Allied ;) (sorry wrong thread but I couldn't help it)
  8. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    Hey Bob. I am very happy to see that Hood is going back to you. That model is your signature for outstanding construction. You won't ever regret buying it back.It's the way I felt after buying Bismarck back from Chris. If I ever get a Hood to my fleet yours is the Go to model for detailing. I still have VHS video of the model at Maynard lake battling and cruising and the Bismarck vs Hood Battle.I still have additional footage of it at the hobby shows as well I believe Maritime Museum of the Atlantic.
    I also have a great set of plans of the Hood that I ordered on Ebay last year which breaks down the superstructure into sections.
    I know I will have to build a Hood as it's one of those ships that is mentioned quite frequently every time I go out with the models.
  9. Bob Pottle

    Bob Pottle Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2007
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    Hi Curt,
    Hood will be back in my basement this weekend while Kim is away in NB. Maybe she won't notice! :>) I'm supposed to be getting rid of stuff!
    Due to the detail two levels of deck have to be removed to get at the interior: the boat deck and the section of forecastle deck beneath it that has two large deckhouses supporting the boat deck. If I convert Hood to 1941 configuration the boat deck will be wider and I can make solid walls behhind the former 6" gun batteries and just lift off the new boat deck. The bridge will have to be altered a bit and more detail added but it can easily be done over the winter.
    That'll give me 3 battle ready models: Minotaur, Gorgon and Hood, with Vanguard and Rodney still only in early stages. I was away nearly every weekend from May - late Sept. but with bunkhouse construction done at the cottage should have time to battle next year. We're looking at a house close to the NABS battle sites at Maynard Lake and the Grove (on Lake Banook at the opposite end from the Grove). What are you building now? Is there a club in St. John's yet?
  10. Darth Rob

    Darth Rob New Member

    Sep 16, 2009
    Selling my Derflinger from swampy's too. Hull is ready. just need to place the guts and the superstructure
  11. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    Sounds great Bob. You will be closer to Paul. I think Hood was lighter in displacement in 1941.That should help the quarterdeck a little better in a seaway . I am currently painting old Bismarck and started sanding the main deck of Tirpitz. North Carolina will be back in the yard in Nov. Yamato just needs her guns tweaked a little and there's one panel forward near bow that seems to be bubbling out. I think it has seperated from a rib. I may have to re dope it too .
    Missouri just needs slightl larger drag discs to get her speed on target. She's off by1.5 seconds. 41 lbs currently. Maneuverability is on par with a NC just a longer hull. Wife was operating it and out maneuvering me with Yamato. It's pretty stable but leans a little at 41lbs. AT Max heavy weight it barely leans. I have cannons to assemble for it and need to finish the pneumatic plumbing for it. Awaiting some more details such as the 20mm and 40 mm guns.

    Following NC will be the 2 ships of the VU class that will be armed. One for the wife , one for me. After that I am going to finish VDT and Konig followed by Nagato and Graf Spee. Last on the list will be Dunkerque and Prince of Wales.

  12. Jay Jennings

    Jay Jennings Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    St. Croix, NS
    So Curt, what are you going to do next month once that bit is done o_O:D
    Bob, I hope you will post pics of Hood, she is a beautiful model and should be viewed by all.
    I am glad you will be moving closer to Paul and the battling sites, the more boats on the water the better.
  13. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    Jay, I will building a working 1/72 Gato class submarine. Seaview would follow that one. You did ask.
  14. Jay Jennings

    Jay Jennings Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    St. Croix, NS

    Awesome Curt Subs rule!!:D
    Did you know Ralph has a beautiful Surcouf hull? I think it is 1/96 though. He said it is one of his best, and it does look very good. Nothing like reaching out and touching someone with 8" guns :)
  15. absolutek

    absolutek -->> C T D <<--

    Sep 6, 2009
    Ontario, Canada
    I didn't realize he had a 1/96 version of that hull... Maybe I'll have to dig up his email again... :D
  16. Chris Easterbrook

    Chris Easterbrook Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2008
    I am glad to see you got Hood back Bob, she is the best looking model I have ever seen. you out did yourself on that model.
  17. Bob Pottle

    Bob Pottle Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2007
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    Thanks Chris,
    Hood is back in my basement but needs some TLC. She's lost several parts since I sold her years ago: bollards and fairleads, both topmasts, mini-whip antenna, a 4" AA gun, and a deck ventilator housing that bolted into the hull to secure the boat deck. All can be replaced with a few hours work.
    I have to revise the CO2 system to 4 guns from 5 and add a second pump and replace the now 4+ year old batteries. When Ian and I installed the pneumatics last year we worked from and simplified the original system that's waiting to go into HMS Vanguard. I have Hood's brass turntables for the guns in A, B and Y turrets and the Y turret rotating gears so she should be re-armed soon.
    I don't know who's left in the area. I've heard nothing from the guys in the Annapolis Valley except for Jason, who's still got a couple of models. Paul and I have battle ready models and all Steve Hill needs to do is speed test the HMCS Uganda I rebuilt for him two years ago. Haven't heard from Rob Clarke in quite a while but he may have finished his Tirpitz. Ian McMillan said his Tirptitz is nearly finished but he'll probably sell it if the club isn't active in 2012.
  18. Chris Easterbrook

    Chris Easterbrook Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2008
    Cool I still have a few hulls and my radio so I can build on in short order. I cant decide if I want another 5.5 WW1 battleship or just go with a 3.5 unit crusier. I still have Vanguard but have no desire to build another model that large. I am thinking of maybe contact Ralph and see what he has in stock and what his prices are. We should get everyone left in halifax together sometime early in the new year to see how many interested people we accually have for 2012.