Shearwater 2012

Discussion in 'North Atlantic Battle Squadron' started by sinkin321, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. sinkin321

    sinkin321 Member

    Feb 24, 2007
    Hi guys: just logged on to let you know that I got an invite to the 2012 sharwater show ( guess i'm still on thier list ) but I don't know who to forward the info to:
    Show is April 14th and 15th from 10 til 4
    If someone wants more info just let me know and I can forward the email to someone
  2. Scharnhorst1943

    Scharnhorst1943 New Member

    Mar 9, 2008
    Hi John,
    I am actually off that weekend! Is anyone going to be at the Sherwater show? I would like to get caught up with everyone who's there, and I'm sure my wife won't be opposed to the little excursion and meeting some new folks.

    Chris Osborne
    IJN Musashi (the unstoppable floating island)
    INS Vittorio Veneto (drydocked for repairs)
    DKM Seydlitz (builders yard)
  3. Jay Jennings

    Jay Jennings Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    St. Croix, NS
    Hey Chris, it's Jay.
    How have you been doing?
    You may want to message John, he has been very busy with work and stuff and hasn't been on too often.
    Paul may be the other guy to talk to wrt the show.
    Wish I could be there but it is a long drive from BC to Shearwater.
    Take it easy,
  4. sinkin321

    sinkin321 Member

    Feb 24, 2007
    i still check in from time to time but have wondered on to other things like a 51 packard police cruiser and motorbiking. Still watch the site and look at the stuff i have left and wonder when I'll get up the nerve to put a boat in or under the water again. still get that sinkin feel'n
  5. Jay Jennings

    Jay Jennings Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    St. Croix, NS
    Hey John, long time no hear.
    How have you been?
    Getting a boat on the water is like riding a bike, just take the first little pedal and awaaaaaaaaaay you go.
    Come on, you know you wanna!!
  6. sinkin321

    sinkin321 Member

    Feb 24, 2007
    Hey j: been good, as i remember i fell off my bike alot and wow hard to get back on.. Thought about coming out of retirement a few times, actually more than a few, every time i see the Z in the bar down stairs but it seems to make more sents for me to stay away for a bit longer. Still have the gear and the boat is still ready for the water but the lack of will and a few other things keeps me running on the ponds close to home and not going to any lakes. I'm sure as time goes by I will get the urge to be sunk... i mean sink an Allied boat again. As for now I will keep the stuff in fighting condition and the batteries charged... and the whole thing sitting on a shelf in the basement.
    and yes I WANNA!!!!!!
  7. bb26

    bb26 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    Well when your ready John I will send you to retrieve your boat :)
  8. sinkin321

    sinkin321 Member

    Feb 24, 2007
    geeeee thanks man something to look forward to
  9. sinkin321

    sinkin321 Member

    Feb 24, 2007
    Who's all left around here anyway just being curious
  10. Jay Jennings

    Jay Jennings Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    St. Croix, NS
    As far as I know, the only ones who have posted anything is you two.
    I suspect that Bob and Steve H and Jason C still have their stuff, haven't seen any of it for sale. Ian is selling Bob's Hood and I think probably Turpits too.
    Chris Osborne looks interrested in at least coming to the Shearwater show, you guys might be able to arrange some interprovincial battles.
    I wish I could be there too but unfortunately life and sometimes sh*t happens :(
    I think this year' s show is very important, at least to get some exposure. Call the guys, tell them to get their arses out to Shearwater and have a reunion. Then go sink the Allied pigdogs!!!!!!!!
    Sorry, got carried away.
    Just my 2 cents.
  11. sinkin321

    sinkin321 Member

    Feb 24, 2007
    Sh*t happens is right J, the weeks that the shows are on in Arp. I'll be sitting on the beach in Cuba with at least 2 drinks in my hand and not a care in the world, this is one of the new hobbies Mary and I found, not the drinks, cuba. when I get back I think I might just bring the boat out and see if it still fits. The z is not what i'm use to as its small and actualy works good but we'll see. I have mostly new co workers now after major house keeping by the boss and 2 are really interested in getting in the hobby even if i don't. I still have the pictures of the battles and the boats on the wall and they ask about them all the time
  12. bb26

    bb26 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    If they ever want to see the boat on the water, I will post when I am out sailing
  13. Jay Jennings

    Jay Jennings Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    St. Croix, NS
    Well John, have a rum or two for me will ya! Spending time on the beach is good for you too. If you take the Z out, take some pics ok, I would like to see how it turned out.
    Paul, I am looking forward to seeing your boats out too, I am following the rebuilds and things look great!

    I haven't even got my boats unpacked yet! Had to build the garage and the storage shelves first so we could reclaim the downstairs. That is finally done but the painting we were not going to do for a couple years, guess what. Yeah you guessed it, the boss wants to paint but that won't take too long. I just have to build the work benchs and I am good to go and I am going to do that next weekend. I am hoping to have a boat or two to take down to run in the states with the boys in Washington.

    Paul, do you think you will be able to do Shearwater?
  14. bb26

    bb26 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    Good to hear things are progressing in BC on the new place. Shearwater is a no go for me. Commitments for that weekend that I cant get out of.
  15. Bob Pottle

    Bob Pottle Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2007
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    Hi Guys,
    If I'm able to attend the Shearwater show (which depends on whether there's a flood situation at the cottage) I'm committed to manning a WWII 'Flames of War' wargaming group's display.
    I bought Hood in November 2011 but I haven't got around to rearming it. The new pneumatic system was installed in 2010 and the original guns and their barbette mounts are in a box. The model suffered superstructure damage after leaving my ownershp years ago - several hours of work are needed to build replacements for missing components and repair others.
    Other than batteries HMS Gorgon is battle ready and Minotaur needs some gun tweaking. Work on the light Japanese 'Treaty rules' carrier stopped two years ago - it has no internal components installed except for the rudders and props. It will probably be completed as a convoy ship, which could be done relatively quickly. Externally it needs a bridge, funnel and a few large air intakes. All the smaller components like gangways and AA positions will probably be omitted because they'll get shot off anyway.
    All of my radio receiver batteries are dead, all drive batteries are 5+ years old and need to be replaced, and my radios' Nicads are 10-15 years old and need replacement.
    The Vanguard and Rodney projects were abandoned with hulls, fiberglass decks and turrets complete. The I-400 project was abandoned without Jay around to collaborate with, though I still have the moulds and will probably make another batch of I-400s to sell. The HMAS Albatross project has been cancelled too. I'll probably sell a lot of the hulls and gear I have in storage. The plan is to complete Vanguard or Rodney after I retire (in 5 years) and am free to work on hobbies and travel to competitions in the US.
    I haven't been in touch with Steve Hill in almost 2 years. I rebuilt his light cruiser HMCS Uganda 3 years ago. All it needed to be battle ready was a speed trial. When I last saw his HMS Vanguard it was more advanced than mine with the deck installed and basic superstructure completed. I suspect he may still encounter some resistance to participation in the hobby. Like me he had 'honey do' lists to contend with!
    I think Rob Clarke had his Tirpitz on the water for trials 2 years ago but don't know if he's finished it. Scott Foster has been in touch with Ralph Coles recently about available hulls. The turrets I made for him 3 years ago have never been picked up so I doubt he's finished the ships he was working on then. Jason still had his ships a year ago and was interested in battling if anything was scheduled. No suitable battle location in the Annapolis Valley had been found.
  16. Jay Jennings

    Jay Jennings Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    St. Croix, NS
    Hey Bob,
    I haven't abandoned the I 400 out here. I am talking with other submariners about various aspects and intend to build it. We can do an online collaboration if you keep your hull. Let me know if you make others, there is a guy out here who expressed an interrest. Do you remember the max weight we can build the sub to? I wrote down various info on the sub but the notes were lost in the move.
    I hope you have better luck with your cottage this year.
  17. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    Paul just finished his refit of the PE and SC is coming along nicely.