Will.... check out my thread... first page.... that should get you started. Curt. This looks familiar.... hmmmmmmmmmm Love it! Keep it up old man!
Yea craig, ive seen that, but i really want the measurements specifics. Also, i emailed Ralph a few times and sent him the money for the hull, but no response yet.
I'm sure you will hear from Ralph will. He doesn't get back to people until he has information to give. As far as measurements, what are you looking for?
Just like the Subway Ad, can you spot the coffee in the above pics. The question will be whether it is warm or cold[][8D][][]
Craig, i want for example this: Rib #1(1/4" thick) is xxx inches from the end of the bow impenetrable area. Rib #2 (1/4" thick) is xxx inches from rib 2 ect, ect, ect, all the way down. Also, the stringer, how far down the hull is it(vertically) and between what ribs is it? Thanks
Probably Cold ... knowing Curt. Will.... I responded in the other thread.... please use mine and Curt's and any other Graf Spee builds as guides!
We'll you've called the professionals... Ghostbusters.... or is that Hullbusters.... I'm not sure.... Who you gonna call?
Not much.Had no time to do anything this week with the ships or other stuff related to the hobby. In fact I just caught up to my emails last night. Adm Stokomoto
Well. 4 HULLS cut out. 10 dremel cut off wheels. Graf cut out really nice and no fuss. Looking forward to building this one for COMBAT-X. A cruiser mounting a broadside deep downangle spurt cannon (Torp)5 rds 5 shots for a total of 25 rds. 24 sec speed as per the CWC-X speed chart. Should be an interesting setup. Now I got to get the 1/200 scale plans blown up to 1/144 Pics to be posted to tomorrow. ADM STOKOMOTO