Strange Ship in movie

Discussion in 'Full Scale' started by TorpCruiser, Feb 3, 2024.

  1. TorpCruiser

    TorpCruiser Active Member

    May 16, 2022
    Everett, WA
    29457026-CCC1-4846-8A91-AFADF9860CC4.jpeg FA23067C-FE51-4D3A-ACB9-04BA6CD9B181.jpeg

    Was rewatching "Short Circuit" for the first time in a decade or two and noticed a very odd ship in the background...

    Seems to have a weird bulbous protrusion near the bow and an odd cage/guard on the side of the stern and lastly the notched-out transom, for??
  2. Renodemona

    Renodemona Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
    Reno, NV
    Short Circuit was filmed in and around Astoria and other places in Oregon, and this could be the remains of one of the hydrofoil research ships discarded in the late 1970s after the program was discontinued. I believe one of them was subsequently "rescued" and is being semi restored. The distinctive funnel and stern shape matches with the USS Plainview, but there were some other similar ships. Very cool designs, but ultimately ASW helicopters eliminated the need for faster surface ASW ships and their extreme cost to operate and maintain just wasn't worth it. See also the Pegasus class hydrofoil gunboats.

    Oh actually now that I look more closely the faint "PL" on the stern gives it away. Unfortunately it looks like the wreck has degraded a lot since filming and broke up at some point.
    TorpCruiser likes this.
  3. TorpCruiser

    TorpCruiser Active Member

    May 16, 2022
    Everett, WA
    Holy smokes! Wasn't expectin' such a speedy reply, thx! -Its unfortunate that such a cool and historic ship has been left to become a derelict.

    Its clear now that the fwd bulge is for the front foils and the notch in the rear is for the aft foil.

    Thx again

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    Last edited: Feb 3, 2024