I've read the rules many times but i still cant figure out cane you have a 1/2 or 1/4 cannons, or do they have to be 1 1/2, and 1 1/4.[?]
Cannons can be 1 1/2 if the units of the ship allow for it. For example My Arizona is 5 1/2 units. I have 1 full unit pump, 3 50 shot cannons and one 75 shot cannon. You cannot split the 1/2 unit, you cannot have two 1/2 unit guns instead of one full unit gun. I hope this helps, Please ask if you have more questions, as the rules are sometimes confusing to all of us.
For another example, my class 3 (3 unit) cruiser can have: 1 gun, 1 gun, 1 pump (total = 3) or 1.5 gun, 1 gun, .5 pump or 1 gun, 1 gun, .5 gun, .5 pump Hope this helped clear things up for you. Mack
No they dont. A 3.0 unit cruiser in the IRCWCC gets 2 50 round guns and a pump. That's about your only option. Ships only get to tack on the extra unit to make a 75 round gun if they have a spare half unit: ie a 5.5 unit ship as to put that other .5 unit somewhere. Only class 2 and below can split up units.
Rule below: d. Any authorized ½ battle unit may be used as either of the following: 1) A ½ unit pump, provided it is the only pump on the ship; or 2) A 1 ½ unit single shot cannon with a 75 BB magazine e. Ships in Class 2 or smaller may use their battle units in one-half unit increments for either cannons or pumps.
Under IRCWCC rules, part 5, cannons "5. Except as provided in section 11.e, below, a ship may mount only a single one-half (½) unit cannon in its offensive armament, and a whole cannon unit shall not be divided into smaller (½ or ¼) unit cannons. and 11 e. Ships in Class 2 or smaller may use their battle units in one-half unit increments for either cannons or pumps." So, ships class 2 and smaller may freely mix as many 1/2 units as they wish. I agree on that one. A class 3 ship (under rule 5) should be able to mount a single only half-unit cannon, leaving it with a 1/2 unit left over for a pump, no? Or have I been reading that stupid thing wrong for the last 4 months? If part 5 says a ship can mount only a single 1/2 unit cannon, then can't I mount one 1/2 unit gun? Mack
It is my understanding that you can not split up units, meaning that you can not have a half unit cannon on a 3 unit ship.
Greg is correct. If you use a pump it must be 1.0 units leaving 2.0 units for guns. A 3.0 unit cruiser may not have a .5 unit pump.
so that means i cant arm all the guns on a uss colorado and split it up like 7 1/2 unit cannons 1 1 unit cannons 1 1 unit pump
KK, got it now, finally. LOL Only FULL units allowed unless class 2 or smaller, or for the oddballs with the extra .5 units who can use it as a half pump. Just means they now have to fear a full unit spurt gun on my cruiser instead of just a half spurt gun. /evil grin
If you had two ganged together in a turret, one a 1.5 and the other a 1 unit gun, could you use them with a unified magazine for 125 rounds shared?
My understanding is No. I see you are in the seattle area. I am in spokane and I know some folks in the seattle area. Have you gotten in contact with Phill lowe? Justin is in Tri-cities. -Greg