Taranis is in shipment

Discussion in 'Electrical & Radio' started by wrenow, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. wrenow

    wrenow RIP

    Jul 30, 2007
    The first traunch of the FRSky Taranis 16-32 channel radio is on its way to Aloft Hobbies for delivery later this month. The first batch was sold out in 9 minutes, but additional batches are due every 2 weeks (in fact, i heard there is one due in another week as well), so you should see them in the wild, and available, very soon. Not in time for Nats or NABGO, probably, though.:(
    For those unaware this is a stock 16 channel output (up to 32 channels if you want), using Open-Source software (OpenTX) with tons of features. for battlers, it includes 2 rotary pots and two analog shoulder sliders in addition to the sticks (primary and secondary target designation and range, perhaps?).
    This is not one of those hard to mix "computer radios" designed for helicopters or planes, but is far more general purpose. Any control, or combination of controls, can operate/effect any servo channel or combination of channels. Mayny functions are quite simple, but it also adds boolean logic, software/conditional switches, general variables, etc. for the more advanced needs.
    If you want, you can program the firmware via the face of the radio or via software on your Windows, PC, or Mac. If you know C++, you can even totally rewrite the firmware (bet ya don't - the existing firmware is really good and well tested).
    $199 for TX, RX, battery, and a custom aluminum case. $175 without the RX.
    If you want to try before you buy, just go to the openrcforums.com/forum/ and download the CompanionTX software, set it for the FRSky Taranis, print out the manual, and start setting up your ship(s) - there is a built in simulator that will tell you what the servos are doing. Scott page has also done up some youtube video tutorials.
    ps - Iinitial reviews, pictures of the internals, etc. are all spectacular. Plus, early pre-release evaluation models have alresady earned medals in several soaring competitions in Europe. Scott, trying out someone else's thought he might want stiffer gimbal springs until he actually flew it. To me it was quite telling that he described the experience that the transmitter quickly morphed into an extension of his hands - he didn't have to think about it, the plane just did what he wanted. High praise from an experienced user, methinks.

    Specs from the Aloft website for those curious (warning, this is long):

    If you could design your own transmitter, what would you include? That is exactly what FrSky asked their customers. The result is the Taranis! FrSky has succeeded in introducing a transmitter at an entry level price that outperforms many of the best name brand systems on the market. You may worry that the quality has been cut to keep prices down. Compromising quality for the sake of price is not the FrSky way. FrSky may lack a fancy ad campaign and huge marketing budget, but they do not skimp on the hardware!
    The most important aspect for any transmitter is maintaining a rock solid connection with the receiver. FrSky is well known for the frequency hopping ACCST technology taking advantage of the entire 2.4GHz band resulting in excellent range and reliability. FrSky knows many things can affect the connection between Transmitter and receiver so RSSI (receiver signal strength indication) is incorporated into all telemetry receivers. The Taranis transmitter is continually monitoring the reception quality at the aircraft. Taranis will alert the pilot before signal quality becomes critical. This saves planes and makes the hobby much safer!
    In addition to RSSI, Taranis has other safety features. Receiver Lock allows you to lock a specific model in the transmitter to one and only one receiver. No more flying (crashing) with the wrong program selected. Taranis has three different types of Failsafe. 1 - Hold last known commands, 2- Goto a programmed state (cut throttle, flaps down, etc. 3- No output. (Triggers flight controllers with "go home" feature.) The RSSI feature means you probably won't ever use the failsafe. Voice Alerts Just like having a copilot, the transmitter will give you voice alerts on speaker or through the headphone jack. Count down timers, low voltage warnings, landing gear down, thermal mode entered, etc. can all be set up with human recorded voice of your creation, or sound packages shared online from other hobbyists
    The open-source software for the Taranis has been developed by hobbyist’s in the R/C community. The programmers of the transmitter’s firmware and companion software which runs on Linix, Windows, and Macintosh are very receptive to input and requests from users. There are no limitations based on marketing decisions. If you can think of it, chances are the Taranis is capable of doing it. With 60 model memories, tons of mixes, 9 flight modes, sequencing, servo speed, programmed delay all kinds of triggers, and the ability to assign any channel to anything, it is hard to come up with something this radio can't do. With this level of complexity, you would think the programming would be a real nightmare, but thanks to the forward thinking of the open source community, we can set up and test our programs on our favorite computer (PC, Mac or Ubuntu), it even features a handy set up wizard that will take care of most of the work! But they also made it easy to share programs freely via the USB port, or micro SD card on the back of the Taranis.
    Are you heavily invested in another RF system? No worries, the Taranis actually has a normal JR style module on the back that will accept modules for other transmitting protocols. In the model setup you simply tell the system if you are using the external module, and it shuts down the internal FrSky module. Now you can use your Futaba, Spektrum, JR, Aisin, and other receivers if you have a transmitter module that fits in a JR style module bay. Our UHF friends, can pass 12 volts directly to a UHF module, eliminating dangling wires and extra battery packs.
    FrSky has taken the hobby to a whole new level as they have evolved the transmitter to be more than a steering wheel. This is something truly special!
    • Full Telemetry RSSI alarms (warns you of signal reception problems before disaster can strike)
    • Self test of the transmitter antenna
    • 16 channels (more when combined with external module)
    • 60 model memories
    • 64 mixers, 9 flight modes
    • 16 custom curves with 3-17 points each, 32 logic switches
    • Voice or custom sound alerts
    • USB and SD card slot for system expansion
    • Long range system capable of up to 3 times the range of current 2.4 systems
    • Quad bearing gimbals that are silky smooth
    • State-of-the-art open source software
    • Super low latency for ultra quick response (9ms)
    • Large 212 X 64 backlit LCD screen
    • Real-time data logging
    • Receiver lock (program locked to aircraft - limited to FrSky receivers running PXX protocol)
    • JR Style module bay for additional RF modules and so much more
    • Selectable flight mode (1, 2, 3, or 4)
    • 2 timers, count up or down, throttle %, talking, etc.
    • Trims - Adjustable from course to extra fine with extended and exponential trims
    • Standard trainer jack
    • ARM Cortex M3 32-bit 60MHz
    • Integrates with CompanionTX – a FREE computer program that is a transmitter setup buddy. CompanionTX (Windows/Mac/Linux) is used to set-up models with the wizard, save, edit and share your models and settings as well as simulate your transmitter or model setup.
    • USB connection for firmware upgrades, sound editing, R/W to the microSD card and integrate with CompanionTX
    • Sticks and pots can be calibrated by the end user
    • Multiple language support (Radio arrives configured for English language)
    • Open source community-driven firmware, so unlike with major manufacturers if you need a special function or have good improvement suggestions just raise your voice, and don't be surprised if it's implemented a couple of days later! Visit http://www.openrcforums.com to meet the developers!
    It's no wonder people have been excited about this new transmitter. This hobby has never seen a more reliable and more affordable radio. FrSky has an excellent reputation for building high quality, highly reliable telemetry systems. The Taranis takes everything they have learned and pushes it to the next level!
    System includes:
    • Taranis Transmitter
    • Aluminum Travel Case
    • Battery Charger Adapter
    • Neck Strap
    • X8R - 16 channel, S.Bus, Smart Port Receiver
  2. GregMcFadden

    GregMcFadden Facilitator RCWC Staff

    Dec 6, 2006
    big pile o want!
  3. wrenow

    wrenow RIP

    Jul 30, 2007
    +1 - lust meter off the charts. Second traunch DDOS'd the server, and Wayne was reduced to taking what ever phone calls could get in, and was still sold out in 30 minutes. Nope, I didn't get one. This time. But Wayne says another batch is due in a week, and at a maximum of 2 week intervals thereafter. So, soonish?
  4. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    So who else has the thing set to email you when they are available?
  5. wrenow

    wrenow RIP

    Jul 30, 2007
    Besides me? Probably hundreds. The first traunch was sold out in 9 minutes, the second in about 30 (longer because the web wouldn't update due to the huge volume) - and these are the pre-buys. Ouch. The original thread on this radio coming out on RCG that was started on April 4th is around 4,000 posts now.
    $200 for a radio that, in many ways, outperforms $4,000 transmitters? I think there is a bit of interest.
    Hey Tug, any of the guys up there that want to come to NABGO July 1-7 need to look at the anouncement under General marked Urgent about head-counts. We have people coming from both coasts again this year, with one setting a new distance record by several hudred miles. It gives you a week between to get rested and ready and down to Houston for MWC NATS, too.
  6. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    I'd love to, but due to a couple of surgeries, I am missing all Nats this year. I will be able to battle on Labor Day weekend, that's the soonest I'm cleared.
  7. wrenow

    wrenow RIP

    Jul 30, 2007
    Sorry to hear it. I will keep ytou in my prayers for a speedy and safe recovery.
    Anyone else up there coming that you know of?