The Sinking Song

Discussion in 'Propaganda' started by Kotori87, May 24, 2007.

  1. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    A little ditty about an integral part of our hobby. To the tune of Coming Round the Mountain. This is the result of having that song stuck in my head all day. now I've got a different song stuck in my head, but I'm having a lot more fun with the new one.

    She'll be sinking by the stern when she sinks
    She'll be sinking by the stern when she sinks
    She'll be listing hard a starboard
    She'll have both her pumps a'screamin'
    She'll be sinking by the stern when she sinks!

    She'll have sixteen holes below when she sinks
    she'll have sixteen holes below when she sinks
    She'll be missing half her boot
    she'll have fifty holes above
    She'll be holier than $#!+ when she sinks!

    She'll be sunk in fifteen minutes from the start
    She'll be sunk in fifteen minutes from the start
    She will hit the rocky bottom
    She'll be covered up with pond scum
    She'll be sunk in fifteen minutes from the start!

    She'll be fighting fit again in half an hour
    She'll be fighting fit again in half an hour
    she'll be raised up from the bottom
    she'll be patched up and dried out
    She'll be fighting fit again in half an hour

    Note: the damage portrayed in this shanty is exaggerated. No ship known to man could survive long enough to take this much damage (Rodney sank with 8 belows, and this song claims a ship survives long enough to take 16).
    Comments, suggestions, and additions are welcome.
  2. klibben

    klibben Member

    Feb 28, 2007
    wow - you have alot of freetime. other than that, got an agent yet? you might go platinum!
  3. lalimerulez

    lalimerulez Member

    Apr 23, 2007

    Yea you got a point. You must have alot of freetime but the song is pretty cool. You should put it on youtube.
  4. sarges_heroes2003

    sarges_heroes2003 Member

    Feb 12, 2008

    Platinum!! Try Aluminum!! HAhAHAHAh, ohh me been watching to much lary the cable guy.[:p]