Threads/posts deleted

Discussion in 'Washington Treaty Combat' started by froggyfrenchman, Jul 13, 2008.

  1. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    A thread was recently deleted.
    I do not think that I had found the time to post to it, but I found it to be rather interesting, and was planning to post.
    It started out as a rule proposal by Phil. But the thread was somewhat hi-jacked, and drifted off topic. It looked like it was turned into a debate trying to compare Treaty to the other fast-gun formats.
    Although I was a little concerned that it was getting somewhat warm, if not heated, I was finding in interesting, other than for the fact that the MWC, and IRCWCC are both leading into their Nats events.
    So that being the case..
    I would ask that we simply put the discussion in question off till after the Nats events, and pick it up where it left off.

    And no more deleting threads/posts unless things get out of control, which is more than likely not going to happen anyways.

    Now, in Phil's case. He deleted, or edited his own posts, which I have no problem with..
  2. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    As I mentioned in my earlier post..
    Phil started the thread off as a rule proposal, and Eric (I think), said to hold off till later for rule proposals.
    Which brings us to another matter.
    Normally, the fast-gun clubs vote on the proposals at their Nats event, in order to see what makes it onto their ballots, which are voted on by the entire club later on in the year.
    Now, this was the original plan for Treaty as well. But in 2007, we didn't really have a Nats event (as it was our first battling season), so we put off the rules stuff till later on in the year (after our last battle).
    This accomplished two things.

    First.. It allowed us more time to actually look at the game and how the changes effected game-play.
    As we battled all year, and then, at the end of the battling season, opened up the rule-proposal discussions.
    We think this worked out well, as one can battle all year, then after the battling is done, we have nothing better to do than to look back at the season's battles, and propose changes. Then in fairly short-order, we vote on the changes as a club, with all the members votes counting the same, and make any changes at the start of the new year, which allows everyone plenty of time to decide how they will implement them into their own ship, or strategy.

    Secondly. And perhaps more importantly.
    The other fast-gun clubs membership is at times put-off, or frustrated, leading into their most important event of the year, by some of the rules discussions, which at times can be very heated.

    Keeping this in mind..
    I am proposing that we simply do the same thing this year with our rules stuff, that we did last year. And that is just do it at the end of the battling season.
  3. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    Can anyone tell me how to make a post a (sticky)?
    Do you have to be a moderator?
  4. klibben

    klibben Member

    Feb 28, 2007
    yes, you have to be a moderator.
  5. Gettysburg114th

    Gettysburg114th Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2007
    I say "why ruin the event by dealing with rules at the end." Always nice to end on a good note.
  6. crzyhawk

    crzyhawk Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Alexandria, VA
    I agree with you Bob. I think we should do our rules during the winter, electronically via the email list. Save the politics for the off season, and let our rules discussion be thought out and over time as opposed to one hotly contested meeting at the end of our biggest battle of the season.
  7. Gettysburg114th

    Gettysburg114th Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2007
    I always thought that the end of the event, "Nats" was ruined with all the pressure and discussion during the rules meeting. Several times I said my goodbye's and left before the meeting. Much more enjoyable that way. That set up was started long before the internet and running water. Seems to me we can take care of most thing over the net????