
Discussion in 'Buy, Sell and Trade' started by Kotori87, May 28, 2008.

  1. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    Hi, folks. I'm sure you all remember the torpedo cannons that earned me the title of "most feared captain" two years running. Well, it just so happens that Neal has authorized the construction of more torpedo cannons like that, if there is enough interest. So, here's the deal: If I can find buyers for at least 10 individual cannons, then I get to make them. If not, then I'm gonna be really bored for the next month or so. Send me a PM if you're interested.

    Here's a brief overview of the cannons.
    1) two to three barrels, regular style, or four to six barrels, hand grenade style*
    2) non-reloading
    3) barrels not included, unless you can visit our shop
    4) Regular style is suitable for heavy cruisers and light cruisers. Hand Grenade style is suitable for all of the above, plus destroyers
    5) Asking price is $100 per cannon plus shipping

    *hand grenade style means a single cannon that fires off both sides at once. For example, a 4-barrel hand grenade fires two barrels to one side and two barrels to the other side. It is lighter weight, saves on fittings, and prevents misses from firing off the wrong side. The downside is you only get one shot before you have to reload.
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