Treaty Nationals what a Great Time !!!

Discussion in 'Washington Treaty Combat' started by Sharky, Aug 12, 2008.

  1. Sharky

    Sharky Member

    Feb 20, 2007
    All i can say is WOW what a Good Time on Saturday !!! the
    weather was Amazing all day long and the turn out of Ships
    was Great! I'm not big on after action reports but will give
    you guys some of the things that stood out to me.

    1st the Pond site was just Great and I think ALL of our hats
    go off the our host, we were provided a Port-O-Let , Access to
    his garage for Power and he even Cooked Burgers for us on Saturday
    ( NO Charge I might add ) Tom was one Hell of a host I just don't
    think we could have asked for more...

    Well it was my 1st time on the water with the Giulio Cesare in
    Combat and it has been years since I had battled anything so I
    started all over again and seemed to pick things up quickly, still
    need to switch my pump on from time to time ( Thanks BOB ) the
    Cesare preformed well after getting the speed dialed in and the
    pump checked for certification.

    As for battling what seemed to stick out is chasing Josh in his
    Pocket-battleship all around the pond with Club Med. in tow
    ( It was me with the Italian Giulio Cesare Mike Deskin with the
    British Renown and Bob H. with the French Strasbourg ) lots of FUN!!

    As for Funny stuff i would have to say for me was putting my ship in
    the water right by the shore line and turning on my pump and see a
    rocket streem of water come out and hit Eric Noble right in the
    JUNK !!! it looked like he Pissed his pants !! ( Sorry Eric )

    Over all what a Great Time , lots of BB's were traded and we
    did see 3 sinks ( Bob's Bama and Josh's Pocket-battleship and
    Rays American Cruiser )Treaty Combat is a Great format !! i have
    run Big Gun Ships and some Small ( Fast ) Gun Ships and Treaty really
    has them hand down !!! if you want to have a Great time with Great
    people this is it PERIOD.

    Here is a list of Ship's / Captains that Battled

    Giulio Cesare / Jeff Sharp

    Renown / Mike Deskin

    Alabama / Bob Amend

    Markgraf / Eric Noble

    Bismarck / Roland

    Strasbourg / Bob H.

    Courageous / Mike DeMarco

    Newport News / Phil Agnos

    Lutzow / Josh Finnegan

    San Francisco / Ray

    I'm sure i have missed some one ( sorry ) and we did have
    several guys that didn't have ships ready that helped
    everyone pond side... again THANKS to ALL that made this a
    Great 1st Treaty Nationals....

    Jeff Sharp
    Capt. Giulio Cesare
    Regia Marina
  2. crzyhawk

    crzyhawk Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Alexandria, VA
    Had a great time! I can't wait for the next event. I really enjyed the laid back atmosphere and the casual banter during the battles.
  3. Gettysburg114th

    Gettysburg114th Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2007
    Jeff, Bat ran a U.S cruiser.
  4. Sharky

    Sharky Member

    Feb 20, 2007
    Got it ....

  5. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    I ran my Renown for the event, and although I was still running about a second slower than the allowed speed, she was still faster than most of the ships on the other team.
    She had also been really top-heavy earlier in the year due to the super-structure being a little too heavy. So I replaced it with a foam s/s just before the event, and although she was less top-heavy, she was still a little on the wobbly side. So she was a little touchy, but definately better than before.
    She ran really well, and the only ship that gave me fits was the Strasbourg, as she was a little faster, turned a lot better, and was almost certainly more survivable.
    I went after Eric's Markgraf several time during the event, but learned to simply avoid that little ship, as I always took more damage than I gave.
    My favorite part of the event was the great sea chase of Josh's pocket-battleship, by the three allied fast-capitalships.
    It seemed to last forever, and the spectators on the shore seemed to make it even more enjoyable with all of the cheering, and laughter.
    In the first sortie the allied fast ships tried to avoid the Bismarck, and Markgraf, and gave the wiley German a run for his money.
    But in the second sortie, Roland's Bismarck was found to have a defective rudder servo after launching, so he had no steering.
    Battle had not been declared yet, but he decided to run with it as-is, and the battle was started.
    The allied fast ships decided to try to hunt down the cruiser again, and left the battleships alone.
    So as we chased the pocket-battleship all over the pond whic seemed to please Josh to no end, Roland's Bismarck drifted down the edge of the pond, while he tried to figure out how to stear his crippled ship into battle.
    It reminded me of the actual Bismarck after being hit by a torpedo in the rudders.
    So after several minutes, of chasing Josh around the pond, we found the Bismarck still in the battle, and trying to crawl back into the middle of the battle area. He had never called 5 out of control. He wanted to stick it out.
    So some of us took a few shots at the Bismarck in passing as we continued the sea chase of the pesky little German cruiser.
    As the sortie started to wind down the German cruiser's pump started to diminish. And she eventually sank in the shallows when the pump battery gave up the fight.
    Most of the allied fast ships were by then low on ammo from trying to long-ball the Deutschland, as we seemed to not be able to get close enough to get the sure hits on him, so we used a lot of ammo hoping to get enough water in his hull in order to slow him down.
    I would have to say that had Josh's pump battery not gone dead, the little German may have escaped sinking which would have given him some serious bragging rights.
    A great battle indeed.
  6. Gettysburg114th

    Gettysburg114th Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2007
    It was a much fun to watch as it was being in it. I got it on video. Hope it turned out ok.