Hi All Region 3 MWC lost a PE a few months ago in our pond, and after all of us went free diving for it, hiring a diver for $150 for a hour and 1/2, it was never found. But then I found a underwater video camera with infrared lights and 60 ft cord on it for $120 with free shipping from E-bay. Some of the guys from region 3 pitched in, and we purchased the camera. Well today Rick and I took it out for a test run in our battle pond, and guess what, within 20 minutes, there was the PE in our camera sights. She is sitting on her bottom, with the forward deck off, which is laying just in front of the bow. Kind of looks like the Bismark drawing I have seen of her laying on the bottom. So we think the camera was a great price for our use. I found that when the bottom was not stired up, I had around 2 ft of visibility, and 1 ft after we stired the bottom up. Visit this site
No, what we plan is that we are going to hold it hostage, till he comes and battles more often, then we will return a peice at a time. We figure we should get a good year out of it, lol.
Did you record the video? How deep was it? I am almost done with a small collection of underwater video, you can expect it up on youtube in the next day or two.
COOL! How bad of condition is it in? After a few months I'd expect alot of it to be damaged beyond repair and rusty, but if it's fiberglass then at least the hull is salvageable!
Actually it is still on the bottom, it will become the clubs first historic protected area, jk. No neither of brought a mask, dry clothes, or a towel, and the visibility sucks. We had just planned on trying the camera out, and was both very suprised when we found it so fast. It's 8 ft deep. The camera cord has ft markings on it. So we plan on going back next Sat or Sun, and see if we can shoot some video first of it before we retrieve it. The camera has the monitor, just need to see if I can hook my video camera to it, will look at that this evening.
Hmm since I am buling a 1/72 Gator for RC static diving I wonder if I can incorporate this into a Salvage diving sub for RC COMBAT? Maybe the SEAVIEW would be better at this..
Ahh what about a grappling hook made of Coat-hanger you can guide it to the wreck with the camera and then hook up and pull her out, sort of like they did all the WW2 salvage operations with that British guy that had diving bells directing his grabbers/claws that came off his salvage ships. Pick up the loose deck first then go for the hull as it is easier to find. In 8' of water you could even use a pole for better positioning even if it does not quite reach it will mean less swing on the rope/hook combo. Just a Idea as I KNOW the water will be ICY shortly.
Extend the modeled time period to include 1973 & you can build a scale Hughes Glomar Explorer (among other, far less-interesting ships). JM
yes and no, they are clearly modeled after Cousteau and his cronies but are not supposed to be them, as they specifically mention them. They are much cooler, and btw it's spelled Zissou (but that's not that important), hehe.
Well we went out today, put the camera down again, and remarked the ship. After 3 dives down, I recoved the main hull, forward deck, and forward turret. But after 2+ months on the bottom, time has not been kind to her, she will need to be gutted and all the wood to be replaced. The superstructure is coming completly apart and will also need to be replaced. But at least all the guns, bottle, regulator, and all brass parts look fine.