These are the sites I've found so far, I haven't bought anything yet.;...shopscript I have a 12 v battery, and that last guy looks like he'll work with 12 or 24 v. I'm pretty sure the car wash site has the same valve as Battlers Connection, for half the price. Battlers might be 6v, can anyone clarify? EDIT (fixed link): I bought this guy. I like him, he has worked fairly well for a single gun. I'm in the process of prototyping a big-gun turret, and we'll see how his air-flow works there. I'll buy more of this kind of valve as I build my ships, and I'll keep this comment updated as I go along.
The standard valves are 12 or 24 volt. The solenoids BC sells are 6 volt, they are a custom order and cost more for the custom part.
Also in the ship you need 10/32 tapped hole for the other fittings generally. BC would come with that (More custom). If you run 24 volts in your ship you will probably have to have a separate battery just to jump the voltage up. BTW you can get 1/4" fittings and dril and tap a 10/32 hole.
so I made a ton of progress on the guns tonight. 1. The valve in the first post works great, I've got 12v in my boat, and I tested it with a 7.2v battery I had lying around and it actuated with both. It's a bit bigger than is ideal for my skinny cruiser, but I'm very happy. I've got it hooked up to the variable regulator from StrkeModels, and that tested out just great tonight. I feel like I've played with it enough I could awnser any questions. Although I haven't actually shot a bb with it yet. James
I haven't updated this thread in a while, and I've done alot with the valve, I took it to makers faire and battled with it, It worked just fine, although I had some issues with BB feeding on the gun itself, so I don't think I ever scored a hit. I was playing around with barrel lengths last night, and was firing 1/4 bbs 1 1/2 into foam at 100-160 psi... I didn't seem to get much more penetration after 100-120 or so, so I increased barrel length, that worked really well, with a 4 ft barrel firing clean through (and I mean clean, just a litte round hole) at 40 psi.
We were working on a prototype so it was just one barrel, but it was 1/4". It worked out well enough, we're going to do it for the NC and Jean Bart that I brought back from Makers Faire. (so 3 and 4 barrels.) James
it was just screwing around... but that little pice of pushed through foam was really impressive. Like a little foam worm.
the first link that you posted is a broken link and I was wondering which valve you bought. I am very new to this and am in need of a valve for my cannons. could you help me out?
I fixed the e-bay link. The valve is a little big, so if you're building a light cruiser, space will be tight, and if it's smaller, then I'd recommend you go with a more expensive and compact valve.
ok thanks that one should work fine I have a smaller boat but I am in need of more weight in it. thanks again
That thing is HUGE! Wow. Did you make your decision mainly on cost? Or did it serve another purpose? I have one of the strike model solenoids I am going to setup this weekend and see how it goes.
There are a number of different ways but the most common is using a Team Delta board part # RCE200.