Well guys, i'm startin to pack up - i'm off for Tuscany! Dont fret, the newsletter is in Justins hands and he'll send it off when he gets a chance. I'll be back in July, if you need somethhing email me - i'll try to stop at a cybercafe and check my emails once in a while. Adios!
nice, it was unusually cool most of the time (just the way i like it!) but a few days it was EXTREMELY hot. Cities over there are crazy, there are no traffic laws or anything.... we actually saw a lady get nailed by a car, she was writhing on the ground, the car backs up and drives around her without even looking to see if she was okay (which she wasn't).
That's what it was like when I pulled in there. For everyone who hasn't been to Italy, Spain, or Portugal... If you ever played a street racing game that has pedestrians that periodically cross the road in the middle of the race, and you wondered, what the HELL are those people thinking?? When I crossed the road in Naples, as cars whizzed by on both sides, I thought to myself, "My God! I'm one of those people in the game!" The concept of right-of-way doesn't exist, and the whole traffic thing boils down to a game of chicken
actually in terms of right-of-way, some drivers have legal right to hit you if get in front of them.... i forget what qualifies them for that but they have supreme right of way (doesn't mean they get it).... but the worst part is, is that they dont have any sticker or anything that notifies others they have that right of way!