Voting results

Discussion in '1/96 Battlestations' started by Tugboat, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    Alright, the moment we've been waiting for, the results of voting to influence the course of history :)

    The following hulls are officially on "The List", in order:
    IJN Mogami (but we knew that already)

    HMS Warspite

    DKM Lutzow

    USS Connecticut BB-18 (wouldn't be last, but I'm still waiting on plans to arrive from the Archives)

    Of the others, the following merit "honorable mention" and will go on the list(in no particular order, except maybe Hyuga) after the earlier ones are made real:
    IJN Hyuga (she'll be a BIG, BAD, GIRL that you don't want to mess with... good armor, twelve 14" guns, 24 secondaries)
    HMS Dreadnoughht
    IJN Takao
    SMS Seydlitz
    La Galissoniere

    Now, I have to compile a list to vote on for the 1/144 community (feel free to vote there, since most if not all of us also battle there) :) Thanks to everyone who voted.

    ps- I will someday do submarines, but I want to get the hobby running well in terms of easy-to-build stuff first. I will be selling plans for Surcouf (already do) and USS Argonaut (soon) for those who really want to make one now. I have 9 years of service in the Navy's submarine fleet, and rest assured that I won't be neglecting the silent service of any nation, eventually. :)
  2. Evil Joker

    Evil Joker Member

    Jul 27, 2007
    i vote for this ship in 1/144 j/k but it is cool
  3. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    Hehe I love the angled flight deck and the jet fighters on top :D

    Tugboat, for your 1/144 fleet, how about the same list? That's a pretty solid lineup of ships there, all its missing are a destroyer and a submarine.
  4. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    I love the concept of the Odin, but none of the clubs anywhere near me allow speculative ships. I would love to see one of the guys from a club that does allow them to do one. Under Battlestations rules as they stand (I guess I should get around to writing the rest so the membership can modify them), we have a "had to hit the water" rule (the hull had to get wet, this includes sliding down the ways), which does allow several ships that never fought but that'd be fun to do.

    The list for 1/144 is slightly different, as Ralph Coles already does the QE and Mogami classes. Also, if I did a GWF battleship in 1/144, I'd do Virginia class so it would get the superfiring turret for massive downangle on the stern guns :)

    Hmmm... a destroyer... I have plans in the box here for Tashkent, that'd give us a Russkie in the mix as well. 6 x 130mm guns, 9 torpedo tubes (3x3). I also have some plans for some Brit destroyers, so they could be done down the line.

    Submarine is easy, I love Argonaut (even or maybe because of the sad fate). Also, it's one of the few US subs not already done by the Scale Shipyard (who do almost all the American battleships in 1/96 if anyone's looking for one). I also have the AotS Type XXI u-boat, but I have enough on my plate for now.

    UPDATE: I was going to post a vote for the 1/144 list, but as I sat down to do it, I realized that I have partial plugs for IJN Agano (CL), the LST, the Liberty ship, and full plugs being delivered for HMS Ajax (Leander class CL), and the Italian CL Monteccucoli. So before I post a vote on 1/144, those are getting processed. Something I'm lacking is Axis convoy ship plans. I have decent plans of 2 German minesweepers, and their version of the LST, so I'll probably do one of those prior to posting a vote for 1/144.
  5. Anachronus

    Anachronus Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    Natchez, MS
    As I have been making the ship lists I have indeed been including ships that were launched but not necessarily completed. So the Italian Carricola, the IJN Tosa, et al are included. I have not done the Lexington Battlecruiser as they were converted to CV's before launch.

  6. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    Hey Tugboat, I have some plans you may be interested in. Mehoshi Maru (jap oiler, 5200 tons) is a great little boat, a little bigger than the Puma's I am building and CAD-modeled for accuracy.

    Also, the Giussano secondaries I am sending you are identical to those of the Montecucoli, and the Giussano primaries are very similar (just add rangefinders, I think).
  7. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    That would be quite cool, Carl! I lean strongly towards small convoy ships :)

    I will look at the plans for Monteccucoli probably on Thursday or Friday, after I feel like moving :) I'd be a very very happy man if they are the same or close :)

    Anyway, the recovery period after tomorrow's surgery is 2 weeks before I can lift anything approaching normal (30# limit), so most of my time will likely be computer work, dressing up plans, and finishing up the website. The HTML actually goes pretty quickly, just drawing the art stuff takes time, but it'll look much better than just a text-only site with a few pics.
  8. Gascan

    Gascan Active Member

    Jul 22, 2007
    The primaries for my Luigi Cadorna (Giussano class) are twin 152mm/53cal cannons built by Ansaldo. OTO (Odero-Terni-Orlando) also built a slightly different model to fit the same mounting. The drawings I have of the mount show that the Ansaldo model is pretty simple to model. The OTO appears to have a rangefinder added, but the drawings of this mount are grainy, hard to see, and don't have any scale given. I can include these drawings with the ones of the Ansaldo when I send you the turrets I made.

    The secondaries are twin 100mm/47cal 1928 OTO cannons. The book I have says "The above 100mm/47 OTO dual purpose installations were the normal secondary armament for Italian heavy and light cruisers."
  9. Anachronus

    Anachronus Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    Natchez, MS
    Here's one I've not seen mentioned, what about the HIJMS Yubari?

    Either scale.
