Watt Meter for electrical testing

Discussion in 'Electrical & Radio' started by pellison, Aug 3, 2009.

  1. pellison

    pellison Member

    Jun 4, 2008
    A general electric tip / suggestion.

    I have been very happy with Watt's Up meter.
    (Most online hobby places or battery suppliers sell them for about $50)
    I put the connector that I use on my batteries (was dean's now is powerpole) so that it sits inline with the battery.
    Inside of a water tight box and I was able to put it in my ship and run with it, for a while I was using it all of the time in my Scharnhorst.
    The meter measures from 0-50amps and will record the amp/hours and such.

    Things I leaned:
    At a dead short it capps out at 50 amps but does not blow up (mag throttle swtich failed)
    My drive motor pulls 4-6 amps under load, about 2 dry on the bench.
    Kip solenoids draw a little over one amp per, with three for the triples I'm about 3.5amps when the guns are firing.
    In general for a local battle I would run 5-7 amp/hours, at NATS 7-10 amp/hours. The ship has 24amp/hours capacity so the voltage only drops a little bit.
  2. jadfer

    jadfer Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Houston, TX
    how did you test all these? Sounds like independent tests.

    So after a battle you can look at the meter and tell what the consumption in Amp hours was, correct?
