I get maybe 3-5 new user notifications each week; so far I've been simply ignoring them unless their location is near to me. Some new users start posting immediately; others simply don't and we never get to meet them. My question is if I forward the emails to representitives from various clubs; those people could intern send them a welcome letter 'from someone local' inviting them to a battle... Thus increasing the chance of converting that person into a new captain. I'm not willing to post new user regs in a public blog or to the forums or email list.. Only a tightly controlled set of representatives. Opinions?
why not prepare a default document listing major clubs and such with contacts and push it out to them in a registration confirmation. They may not want 3 or 4 other people chasing them down but I dont think they would object to an information filled confirmation. Any thoughts?
We need to think 'advertising' not 'options'; most people won't do anything unless they are pushed to or its simple. My goal is make it simple; if you signed up to a site & you get an email from someone local saying 'come visit next saturday'... All the nervousness of making a cold call to people you don't know goes away... & becomes 'Jim from down the street'. We also would need strict rules; no one can solicit a newbie farther than 50miles away or something like that. I'm not really so worried about offending people... worst case, they just go away quietly. Maybe one or two tell me where to stick it. Not a big deal. Absolutely won't bring a bad name to the hobby.
Maybe add a Opt-In checkbox during new user registration -> 'Would you like to be contacted by a local club?' -- that would allow the semi-smart ones who can read to avoid the cold-call scenario, while neatly handling privacy concerns and not seemingly overly pushy or intrusive for the ones who don't want to be contacted or are already in contact with a group.
I'd suggest not an opt in box, as I know I just never, ever opt in for anything, and generally don't even read beyond "opt in". I would suggest a "you must select one or the other to register" box, force the choice to either "be contacted" or "not be contacted" if a local or regional contact exists.
I agree with that Greg, I am the same way. I generally don't opt in for anything because it generally means I'll get a bunch of crap, some one trying to sell me realestate in downtown singapore. J
What is the use-case for someone joining this hobby (and hence) this site; and wanting NOT to meet anyone? I think privacy this is an invalid concern; and is completely mitigated by making their info not publicly available (same protection you have now) and allowing them to opt-out of PMs being sent to personel email. This 'enhancement' only changes things by pushing notification to a RCNC 'newbie-helpers' group. Infact, I would be willing mitigate privacy concerns even further by explaining they "might get an email cold call" in the registration agreement. (which they probably won't read anyway) We either need to decide to do it, or not. Not both.
OK, no use in agonizing over it any further. Just pass the contact info along to local clubs, and if anyone complains, take their name off your list. Rob
I agree with Rob on this one. I don't see most folks that would join a group like this to have a problem with folks trying to help them. Well. Perhaps on occasion there would be an issue. Probably the exception though. Mikey