Duca D'Aosta Superstructure Super with float system

3d printable Duca Superstructure

  1. Float system & small fixes


    It's been a while since I've made these changes but ill try to list them

    -Part Id:
    -SS-L1-1 V2: Added a hole to run the bilge pump outlet up through the smoke stack.
    -SS-L2-1 V2: Same as above ^^^
    -SS-L2-2 V2: Integrated a recovery float system hidden in the other smoke stack. I used a thread bobbin with a metal rod through the small holes. A thin fishing bobber will fit with some trimming.

    There are some other smaller changes but i don't remember what they were exactly....
  2. Fixed Superstructure

    10/13/2018 - Fixed Superstructure

    Fixed superstructure part SS-L1-3 after finding issues when installing on my hull.
  3. Duca D'Aosta Superstructure

    Added turret files to the .Zip.

    9/29/2018 - Added Turrets.
    [1] - hollow turret cover for the guns on a battle ready ship
    [2] - dummy turret with holes to glue in brass tubing for barrels. and a centered hole for a screw to mount it to boat.
    [3] - dummy turret. same as [2] but without the wing things

    The files can be downloaded individually from Thingiverse. Link in overview.
