HI, The official results of the voting are listed below. The ballot returns were very low! Rule Proposal #1 Modifies Rules Part II Section E Delete Rule E.5 Change text of Rule E.11.d.2 to read 2. A ½ unit may be added to a 1 unit cannon magazine, making a one and one-half (1 ½) unit single shot cannon with 75 BB’s as long as it is the only 1 ½ unit cannon on the ship Change text of Rule E.11.e to read e. Ships in class 2 or smaller may divide their battle units into one-half (1/2) unit increments for multiple ½ pumps, multiple ½ cannons or combinations of the two. Ships in Class 2 and smaller may also combine a ½ unit to a gun magazine to create a 1 ½ unit single shot cannon as long as it is the only 1 ½ unit cannon on the ship. Proposal #1 PASSED Proposal # 2 to Amend the Rules: * To amend Rules Part II Section E 11, adds f f. Pre-dreadnaughts with a 73’ or greater beam may have a single side mount cannon. Proposal #2 PASSED Proposal # 3 to amend the Rules Amend Part VI –Section A – 3 to read as follows: The consumption of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances at waterside or in the pit area is prohibited at IRCWCC events at all times. Proposal #3 PASSED Member at Large represents all the members of the IRCWCC on the E-board. CURT STOKES Dates and Site for the 2011 Annual Championship (Nats) * Site : Oaksboro, North Carolina with Rob Stalnaker * Date: Monday, July 18, 2011 through Friday July 22, 2011 Contest Director (CD) for the 2011 Annual Championship (Nats) *Matt Moury Thanks to all who voted! Have a great year Ginger Andrews IRCWCC Secretary