2011 Treaty combat conference (Nats) August 19-21 Xenia, Oh

Discussion in 'Washington Treaty Combat' started by froggyfrenchman, Jun 25, 2011.

  1. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    We have less than one week until the conference.
    I spoke with Tom (the site owner), and all will be ready at the site.
    I will be making a run out to the site on Thursday to do some of the prep work, and drop off some of the event items, so that it doesn't have to transported down on Friday.
    We are planning to get the first battles started at 10am each day, so that we can try to sneak in a third battle if we want.
    We plan to have the teams set up as allies against axis, with the non-aligned boats on whichever team needs the help (if possible).
    So the teams should be fairly even.
    The battlestations folks will be in attendance, and will have their boats on the water, and plan to have some battles as well.
    They will not be battling with the Treaty folks. But will have their battles in between the Treaty sorties.
    The battlestations folks have invited the big-gun folks to participate in their battles with them.
    I would anticipate that the Treaty folks will have two-three battles each of the three days, and will be running some convoy missions during some (if not all) of their battles.
    I am not sure if the battlestations folks will have a battle on Friday, but it is possible.
    I would think Saturday and Sunday is the best bet.
    We have the run of the battle site, which is on private property.

    I will be the contest director for this event, and will have some help from some of the other captains.
    I will try to be out at the battle site early each day to help folks get their boats ready to go. So if you think you will need some help, try to get to the site early.
  2. KeriMorgret

    KeriMorgret Facilitator RCWC Staff Vendor

    Jul 15, 2009
    Seattle, Washington
    Mikey, do you have any idea how fast the campground fills up? I'm on a road trip with my parents and in Iowa right now. We're looking at seeing if we can make it over to Xenia for the battle and would be staying at the campground. Would be neat to meet some of you, and show my parents a battle that wasn't in the confines of Maker Faire.
  3. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    I do not know, but I can try to check that out, and get back to you.
    But that would be sweet.
    We were hoping that you would make it out also.
  4. NASAAN101

    NASAAN101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Pittsburgh PA, USA
    Sad news, I might Have to bow out of the conference, I don't went to, but on Saturday mom car Pooped out on us and She's getting towed to the shop tomorrow, i'll know by thursday morning!! but i still moving ahead, as if I'm coming up!!! so, IF i have to Bow out, I'll post something up here on Thursday ok!!! I'm so Sorry about this! I"m still hoping to go and My Mom know how important is weekend is to me!
  5. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    Hopefully things will work out for this event, so that you can make it out and meet everyone.
    But if not, then there will be other events later on in the year.
  6. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    I will be making a trip out to the battle site to drop off some of the event stuff tomorrow.
    I am also hoping to run some sea trials on a couple/few of our boats.
    Stephen will be at the airport (Dayton) in the early afternoon, and we will pick him up, and possibly go back to the battle site, or more likely go back to the house, and work on boats.
    So for the most part, the boatshop in Pleasant Hill, will be open for anyone that needs some help with their boats on Thurday evening, Friday evening, and Saturday evening.
    I am not sure about Sunday evening, as we may have some sort of dinner somewhere, after the event.
    If everyone's boats are ready to go after the battles on Saturday, then we may plan to have a captain's dinner somewhere on Saturday early evening.
    We will know more as the weekend unfolds.

    Currently, the teams are stacking up like this.

    South Dakota, South Carolina, Hood, Glorious, San Fransisco, Roanoke,
    and the escort aircraft-carrier HMS Queen for convoy.

    Bismarck, Markgraf, Von Der Tann, P-cruiser, Prinz Eugen, Lutzow, and Mogami, and the Wolf for convoy.

    Richelieu, Montcalm, and Le Terrible.

    It looks like the Denmark Straits battle will take place sometime Saturday afternoon.

    As to the battlestations group.
    There is the New Jersey, Strasbourg, Mogador, and Tashkent.

    At this point. It looks like the battlestations battle will take place on Sunday. Mainly due to my Strasbourg not being ready before then.
  7. NASAAN101

    NASAAN101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Pittsburgh PA, USA
    Don't count me out just yet!!! there looking at the car first thing in the morning, and I'll know Tomorrow, early afternoon!!! So keep home up, I am!!! Also, are we going to anything with my LST during the first day at the battle or not til we get home??
  8. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    We will try to get it going the first day if we can.
    But there will almost certainly be a better chance of getting it ready for Saturday.
    In any case. We will do all that we can.
  9. NASAAN101

    NASAAN101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Pittsburgh PA, USA
    I have to bow out! Both the car and truck are out of commission! Yes were getttimg the car back, but i wouldnt, trust it to go out and meet Roland!!! Also, Stephen is bring me 2-20 inch servo extension, there $5.00 for both, Can you get them and I'll pay you back when we hook up again!!! I'm sorry, about this!! I'll try and make the next one!!! I'll try and call Saturday ok!!!
  10. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    I will pick up your stuff, and look forward to your calls during the event, so that we can keep you posted.

    There will be other battles down the road.
    No worries.
  11. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    Just one more day until we see if the allies or axis will be controling the waters around Xenia, Ohio.
    The anticipation is keeping me awake.
    Stephen (Strikemodels) will be arriving at the airport at around 2:45 this afternoon, and we may make a run down to the battle-site to put some boats in the water, or we may just retire to the boat-shop.
    Mike M. will be arriving sometime this evening.
    And Bob Spy is planning to drop in on Saturday.
    I will have my cell on me all of the time, so feel free to give me a call if you need anything.
  12. mike5334

    mike5334 Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    Hey Mikey, I'll give you a call later this evening to get instructions for your house.

    The Richelieu is NOT ready. Hopefully, the minor stuff will be done Friday night in time for the major battles on Saturday. The Verite on the other hand is very much ready and will be battling Friday at least.
  13. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    No problem. Friday will be a light turn-out.
    Plenty of work going on Friday night.
  14. rcengr

    rcengr Vendor

    Feb 13, 2010
    Here's a sink for you to enjoy.
  15. mike5334

    mike5334 Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    It is easy to describe this year's Treaty Conference with one word: AMAZING! :)

    Huge kudos to Mikey Deskin and crew for putting together an awesome three day event. For anyone who has never put together a locall battle, much less the equivilant of a national event, the work and time and effort to host an event is staggering. Mikey and the folks pulled off a smooth running Conference that was well worth the long trip to participate.

    And it was a Conference too, not just another 3 day battle. On Saturday, there were more spectators and visitors than what I have seen at longer week long events. Captains were showing off new ships, cannons, equipment, plans, etc. The added 1/96 Battlestations ships made the event truely feel like a conference.

    Not that the battling was lacking either! I would go out on a limb and say there was more combat sinks at this year's conference than any previous conference to date. I'll leave the actual numbers and score for the scorekeepers to figure out. Heh.

    I'm very thankful for the opportunity to attend the Treaty Conference. To say it was enjoyable is an understatment.

    Oh, my apologies again for shooting teammates. Ship recognition isn't the problem ... teammate recognition on the other hand ... heh.
  16. Buddy

    Buddy Active Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    Newark Ohio
    The Treaty Conference was a blast I give Mikey and the gang a hats off and a solid round of applause !! It was a great setting, lots of good people and comradship! We did manage a few good sinks and good shooting. 96 battlestations was awesome ! Definitly going back next time!
  17. KeriMorgret

    KeriMorgret Facilitator RCWC Staff Vendor

    Jul 15, 2009
    Seattle, Washington
    Yes, a big thank you to Mikey and to everyone at the conference. Thanks for the warm welcome that my parents and I received. We enjoyed our day there, and it was good meeting a lot of you in person.
  18. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    Well, thanks everyone.
    It was a group effort, with lots of help from all the folks that participated.
    It was a lot of fun, battling, building, and hanging out with other boat-folks.
    I couldn't have been happier with the event.
    We had great weather (except for the 15 minutes or so of heavy rain during lunch on Sunday), great food, great battling, with a great bunch of captains, with some very cool ships. Lots of spectators.
    And a great host (as usual).
    I want to thank everyone that participated in making this one of the most fun-filled events that we have put on so far.
    Well done!

    I will post some special thanks in a later post.
  19. dietzer

    dietzer Admiral (Supporter)

    Mar 27, 2007
    I, too, want to thank Mikey for a fantastic weekend. I had a great time, met a lot of great people, and learned a lot!
    Funny thing is, I went to the conference just for the Battlestations! portion of it, but came away with a burning desire to do Treaty, too! Hopefully I can complete the 1/144 Baltimore hull that I acquired this weekend fairly quickly. I want to start battling Treaty ASAP. :D
    Thanks again,
  20. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    Battle report Washington Treaty Conference (Nats).
    Friday August 19 2011
    Fleet battle #1 (sortie 1). Morning battle.

    Allied fleet.
    USS South Dakota (Buddy F.), USS South Carolina (Stephen M.), HMS Glorious (Mikey), and USS Roanoke (Mark J.).

    Axis fleet.
    DKM Bismarck (Roland G.). SMS Markgraf (Eric( No-bull) Noble), German P-cruiser (Matt G.), French pre-dreadnaught Verite' (Mike Mangus),
    and the French heavy cruiser Tourville (Phill Agnos).

    Sortie #1.
    Just a few minutes into the first sortie, someone noticed that the South Carolina was low in the water, and perhaps not pumping.
    It seems that she was getting some attention from the Vertie' and possibly also the Markgraf.
    So after heading into the shallow water, she eventually went down with no working pump.
    This was the first time that I had been able to run the Glorious on the water, so I kept her out of the middle of the battles, and tried to
    concentrate on the larger and faster axis ships. The Bismarck, and P-cruiser in particular. Stuff that I could hit for the most part.

    Sortie #2.
    Stephen patched his below the waterline hits, and came back out in the second sortie with the South Carolina.
    After several minutes of battle, the Roanoke listed over to one side, and sank with most of her superstructure above water.
    She was able to drive to shore like that for retrieval.
    Some time after that, the Bismarck was seen to be sinking, and headed for the shallower waters.
    He sank just before reaching the shore.

    The Glorious did pretty good. Better than I expected perhaps.
    I didn't feel like I could get into any sort of slugging fest with the opposing capitalships, but was able to take shots when my
    opponent was busy shooting at someone else, and it was fun taking on the enemy cruisers.
    The forward turret was set up with a rotating 75 round cannon. In the first sortie it locked up after a short time, but luckily
    was aimed off to one side, so I could still use it.
    In the second sortie, it worked better, and rotated quite well. But I found that it was most usefull when I kept it off to my
    port side, and simply pivoted it slighlty towards the bow, or stern.
    The after turret also had a 75 round cannon. Pointed slightly off to the starboard side, to fend off anyone trying to chase
    me down with sidemounts.
    All in all a really fun boat to run.
    Admittedly. I was tickled to see that Mike M. was running his little pre-dreadnaught in this battle. As I felt that his Richelieu
    would have made short work of my light battlecruiser, that was running the same speed as his Richelieu, but had nothing close
    to his turning abilities.

    The axis pulled off a victory as the allies lost the South Carolina, and Roanoke, while the axis lost the Bismarck.

    Fleet battle #2. Friday afternoon.

    Allied fleet.
    USS South Dakota, USS South Carolina, USS Roanoke, French pre-dreadnaught Verite', and the French light cruiser Emile Bertin (Phill).

    Axis fleet.
    DKM Bismarck, SMS Markgraf, German P-cruiser, and I was running the German pocket-battleship Lutzow.

    At some point in this battle the South Dakota lost control, and called 5 (OOC).
    She headed in towards shore with what seemed like the entire axis fleet in hot pursuit, but was able to survive.

    I have no notes on anyone sinking, or any penalties in this battle.
    So it appears to have been a draw.