At the end of Tuesday's battles, the Allies lead the Axis by a slim 1550 points. Allies won big on Monday morning fleet battle. Axis had three big ships sink and the Allies had a couple cruisers sink. My Sharnhorst was one of the sinks (sank first sortie). Axis won big in the Monday afternoon campaign battle largely due to LOTS of successful convoy runs in spite of the Sharnhorst sinking again. Allies took the Tuesday morning fleet battle by a smaller margin. The Sharnhorst went three for three with another sink in the first sortie. Axis roars back in the Tuesday afternoon fleet battle to win by a good margin. Although the Axis did loose a Bismarck in the second sortie, the points were made up and then some by the massive damage the Vanguards absorbed. The Sharnhorst did not sink (didn't make it into the battle). The Wednesday cruiser battle is washed out due to LOTS of rain. Weather is predicting up to 2" of rain. Hoping the rain stops for the Night Battle. The Sharnhorst has been replaced by the Vichy Verite PDN.
I was wondering about your sinks on the score sheets that were sent out, looks like some sort of system failure due to the very light damage recorded in your fleet battle sinks. Do you know what is going on/have any clues? I assume you're running a brushless pump and am wondering if you're running into any issues with that and what to keep an eye out for. Good luck the rest of the week!
Yeah, it is system malfunctions. The usually ultra reliable Sharnhorst started having power issues halfway through the first sortie on Monday. After spending hours pond side troubleshooting, it is looking like a combination of the quick corrosion from the additives in the water and the HK 100am ESCs (first generation) being overly sensitive to being immersed in that water. As soon as water got into the ship, the ESCs would stop working or work erratically. All three sinks was power failures. No power, no pump. Heh. Other captains are having some issues with corrosion. Whatever is in that water, it hits lightweight connectors fast and hard. Even Conron isn't as bad.
Just like Cocoa Beach in 2006. It ate my servo leads alive. How did you waterproof the ESCs, Mike? By the way, Axis brethren, you guys have no idea how proud I am that despite being outnumbered worse than the Allies were last year, that we fight on in the face of overwhelming odds. Banzai!!! Wish my hand wasn't all bandaged up and that I was with you!
That stinks, hopefully then the rain will dilute the pond enough to help reduce the issue. Which connectors are you using? I had an intermittent drive issue at Conron but swapping out the motor seems to have fixed that, I'm thinking there is an intermittent short or something like that in one of the windings as I haven't been able to trace it back to anything else. The pond at Conron was good this year, I didn't hear anyone having corrosion issues. Thanks for the update!
Axis owns the night ... uncontested. The numerically superior Allies failed to muster a single ship to face a strong Axis night raiding force. The Axis, undeterred, put ships on the water and planted a British flag in the shallows to unleash the full fury of a 6 bow cannon Yamato upon it to spite the Allies. The Vichy French Verite sortied .... and sank. Another victim of the copper-sulphate laden water. With two ships out of commission, I'm planning on cutting short my Nats and get an early start in the morning back home.
That's really unfortunate, Mike. I have some stuff to show you that goes on your connectors, the next time you come our way. Labor Day Leadfest?
Mike it's probably copper sulfate, makes the water really blue if concentrated, and they used to use it to control algae there. I had fires from it last time I was at h&h in 1996. I thought they stopped using it. Smearing connectors with dielectric grease helps some, and you may be able to resurrect some of your leads temporarily using it. A full wiring replacement is probably in order though, it will seep into the wiring and corrode it inside the insulation. You will need to try to seal the wiring insulation at the ends to prevent them from corroding inside the insulation. Harbor freight has marine shrink wrap ( which is expensive ) that has a coating like hot glue on the inside of the shrink wrap that helps seal the insulation. In absence of that melt the end of the insulation after stripping it back so it goes inside the bundle of wires. It takes time to seal everything but it will improve the reliability somewhat. Really sorry to hear you had that type of problem, it's no fun, I know. Ron Hunt
Statesboro Nats 2014! No CuSO4 I'm going to tlak to Brian K to see about permission to add small gravel around the bank in the water..
Its All fun and games til someone fall in the water head first, and I speck first hand, I've done it Nikki
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