2016 IRCWCC Nationals

Discussion in 'IRCWCC' started by absolutek, Dec 9, 2015.

  1. SnipeHunter

    SnipeHunter Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2007
    According to Hullbusters: IRCWCC last had a "non-eastern" NATS in 1996, however take into account the MWC/IRCWCC split and MWC hosting a NATS 1999-2014 and which drew the "non-eastern" battlers. MWC had a ton of "non-eastern" NATS

    A battle in N Alabama could draw a good crowd! I'd try and get to a battle first before you host one but if you have a good lake go for it!
  2. rcaircraftnut

    rcaircraftnut Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2016
    I have been to one battle, but it was like 20 yrs ago. Lol
  3. Gary Powell

    Gary Powell Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2015
    Northern California
    Thanks for the factual information regarding Nat's attendance. It helps to understand the situation a little more. Again, I am a little light on the facts surrounding the IRCWCC/MWC clubs, so I was unaware that MWC was mostly having more Western Nats and IRCWCC more Eastern. It still hasn't been that long since MWC folded and everything merged, so it may still take a little time before the combined Nationals starts to move around a bit more.
  4. Iunnrais

    Iunnrais Active Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    It doesn't help that H&H Ranch in Houston closed at the end of 2015. Many NATS for both clubs were held at those facilities. They were hard to beat as far as amenities.
  5. Gary Powell

    Gary Powell Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2015
    Northern California
    Sorry to hear that; from what I had heard it was a "premium" location for combat. Where does Texas play now? Is it a decent replacement site or? Here in Northern California we have three locations to choose from. Some good and some not so. The one site at a local fishing operation has multiple ponds that we use. One is huge and it allows us to set up on a penensaula out in the middle and launch and play from there.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2016
  6. irnuke

    irnuke -->> C T D <<--

    Dec 1, 2011
    York, SC
    Gary, prior to the demise of MWC, the member breakdown was pretty clear: NE (Maryland north along seaboard) was IRC, majority of fast gun outside of that area was MWC. Thus, IRC usually held NATS in NY or Maryland, while MWC NATS in last ten years was: FL/TX/MN/CO/TX/MN/NC/TX
    NickMyers likes this.
  7. Gary Powell

    Gary Powell Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2015
    Northern California
    I appreciate the factual information that everyone provides, which helps to understand the current situation with the Nationals. I guess everyone can hope that with a mostly merged Fast Gun Group (I know there's Treaty, etc. also out there), that the Nationals can begin to move around a little more.
  8. Bob

    Bob Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2007
    First you need a pond. Then you need a host. The MN pond is too weedy for future NATS. It was almost unusable for the last one.
    While we could host in our local battle pond, the water is big enough, but the shoreline is too short. It's also in a public park. 10-15 guys on a weekend once a month is hardly noticed. 40-50 for a week might be hard to fit in. I don't see NATS coming back to MN until we find another pond to host it in.
  9. Nate G

    Nate G Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2009
    Bradford, PA
    Hi guys,
    My name is Nate and I don't spend a lot of time typing on the forums. I have been to 12 of the last 15 Nationals however. And yes, they have been on the East Coast. 3 in Oakboro, NC the rest in MD, NY, and Rhode Island. As noted, the location is a combination of finding a pond and people willing to put in the work and host the event followed by a vote of those who actually battle in the club.
    Bradford has a lot to offer - no, it is not in Kansas. Though my son and usual battling buddy is and I would love to go there for Nats (grin).

    Weather - temps in June typically 50-55 at dawn and 75 during the day.
    community - people in the area like to see the pond used for events and will come out to watch and are very friendly. A number are national level airplane modelers and are fascinated by our brand of craziness.
    food - I have an excellent restauranteur and caterer who will be providing our meals. and a nice private club for our banquet. the town has a variety of small restaurants and fast food options and a half dozen nice restaurants to choose from. Yes, there is a DQ half way between the pond and the motel. total distance pond to motel is 3 miles.
    oh yes , the pond:
    it is the size of a football field cut at a diagonal - a little over 300 by 100 feet measured. See the pic so nicely posted earlier in this thread. the north inlet is 12 inches and the main is about 3 foot at 10 feet from shore and 5 foot in the middle less toward the dam. it is fed by runoff so there is silt in the deep and near the dam. no weeds. I will have a map with a complete sounding report for participants in their registration packet Sunday. I have a 12 foot runabout with trolling motor for assistance in retrievals when necessary.
    travel - airports in Erie, pa, Buffalo NY and Bradford pa are available. to come in to Bradford, go to Pittsburgh and there is a $29 shuttle to Bradford - takes some planning but is real easy as BFD is a small airport that is fast in and out.
    Both Battlers Connection and Strike Models are committing prizes to the event and I will have more details in the next few days on our yahoo group and will try to cross post here.
    I hope many of you who participate in the forum can come and enjoy the weeks hospitality - Cindy and I want to put on a great week for you all.
    your site host,
    Nate Graham
  10. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA
    Nate, sounds like you've got a great venue there and that you and the town are a great host. I certainly judge the quality of a location by the proximity of a DQ and the worth of an event by its food.

    Not specific to Nats in Bradford, but a more general question - If a person was to be flying in and didn't want to rent a car, is it generally pretty easy to catch rides for ones stuff and self to/from the pond and motel/food/etc?

    I will not be at this Nats, (and likely not the next either), but I am aiming to attend at some point, when life allows. Need my kiddo (currently 3) to be a bit older before I going jaunting off for a week of fun, and need to pay for some house stuff first.
  11. Nate G

    Nate G Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2009
    Bradford, PA
    Sorry you can't make it. with all the work you put into this hobby and forum, it would be nice to see your stuff on the water. The full week battling is quite the experience.

    It should not be difficult to arrange what you suggest. In fact, I have ben surprised that no one has taken the opportunity to do this for Bradford as it would be very workable. Just need to make sure someone is available and time it out. I have been hinting towards that and have had no inquiries. Most of us have minivans and pickups with some room though others are stacked to the gills. (I am usually guilty of that).

    the airport here is a 15 minute drive from the downtown area and about 20 min from the pond. making the connection in Pittsburgh is the only challenge.
  12. thegeek

    thegeek Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    Standing offer to all that have the "obsession", fly to NYC and I will transport you and your creation for the week of Nationals. No cost other than hear me rant.
    NickMyers, rcaircraftnut and irnuke like this.
  13. kgaigalas

    kgaigalas Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2015
    Grand Rapids, Michigan
    If u get to the hotel in Bradford, it might be easier to hitch a ride to the lake ( It is very close)
    You miss out on Ming's rants
  14. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA
    My car is always full of stuff when I go to battles. I learnt quickly that maximum battle time required maximum repair ability - of my own ships and other people's. Paring down to a reasonable amount to ship when I do end up attending should be fun.

    I hope to inquire after that hospitality in the next year or two. A number of us locally are interested in attending at some point, so we would likely go en masse, in which case we would probably rent a vehicle and not need to impose.

    Seems like something one should experience firsthand
  15. kgaigalas

    kgaigalas Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2015
    Grand Rapids, Michigan
    I am working on a NATS in Michigan
    That might be your closest to Washington
    You could fly into Chicago, Detroit, or Grand Rapids / Lansing Michigan
    All we need is votes
  16. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA
    that would indeed be closer, though pretty much anything near a current group would mandate flying for us, at which point its question of time spent in airplane and airports, and airfare costs.
    I think PortPolar Bear is closest for us, and that's still 24hours drivetime + gas stops + food stops + "F--- SouthDakota is boring i need a break" stops.
    Maxspin likes this.
  17. Nate G

    Nate G Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2009
    Bradford, PA
    Yes, and boy do I resemble that. I have always driven so I can take a fairly complete work table of stuff and parts. I believe in the NASCAR philosophy of all parts modular and quickly replaceable.

    makes sense.

    you will learn much :)
  18. Nate G

    Nate G Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2009
    Bradford, PA
    if you like to eat, fear not!! I will be posting the menu in a day or two.
  19. Trey Schultz

    Trey Schultz Member

    Jun 9, 2016
    Sorry... we did not merge. MWCI folded, many members came to IRCWCC.
  20. Beaver

    Beaver 2020 Rookie of the Year Admiral (Supporter)

    Apr 12, 2013
    Central PA