Aug 14 Battle at Saranac (Battle of Dogger Bank) Aug 28 Battle at Saranac (Battle of Elba) Sept 11 Battle at Saranac (Battle of Lake Erie) Sept 25 Battle at Saranac (Battle of Kentish Knock) Would love for anybody to find time to join us for one or all the battles, If you can make one of the battles let myself or Kas know which battle you can attend and we will start planning it and get out the word. Hope to see you on the water... Craig
All tied to finishing my camper build right now, but I will keep you updated. Hoping by Labor Day Weekend or something
Sweet, with the children all leaving for school soon its pretty sketchy outlook for this guy. Trying to work some magic and get the new ones trained fast
It sounds like I'll have my car back in running condition this weekend. finally. and other than having a birthday party to attend on Aug. 14th, I think I'm fairly open. Just need to figure out my boat situation, should be rectified here soon I do believe.
25th is most likely for me. I'm making decent progress on the camper, just ordered the fiberglass cloth and the camper jacks, so I should be able to pull it off if I keep up this pace. additional incentive: the woman moved to Saranac. so..... now I'm in this weird situation where my girlfriend lives literally 3 miles from the battling pond. told me she drove by it today. This universe is frickin strange.
Many things are going through my head : We now all have a place to stay in Saranac Why do you need a camper to stay in Saranac Does she have a boat? Does she want to be site host??
She's a superHippy, so no boat and no hosting. Me coming in late september is like stop #1 on a month-long road trip to christen the new camper. I'm heading to NC then GA after Saranac.
Look forward to catching up friend. Looks like I likely can make the battles left this year. But things change every day at work
Oh buddy guess I better get to work. Lots to do I was waiting for wife to finish her desk but guess I will try working around it. Firing boards and lots of tx connections in the near future. And practic skining to repair myoko.