Having ZERO experience and knowledge on 3D printer/laser cutters/ CNC machines other then they make really cool things I thought I’d post this here and ask opinions of the more knowledgeable on quality/price etc. https://snapmaker.com/platform It appears to be able to 3D print. Laser cut. And do CNC work. With potential to be expanded as new items/abilities come out. It looks interesting at the very least. Thoughts?
Looks cool. I also don't know much about printers. It certainly looks helpful as we use CNC and 3D printing. I'm not positive laser cutting is that efficient, especially on thick material.
noooo, steer clear. thats just a fine way to do 3 things poorly and waste money while you're at it. those laser cut kits youve worked with have been cut on much much more powerful lasers. (likely co2 lasers, the laserhead for the snapmaker is a low powered diode laser, you could scorch some dry wood and thats about it)
This. 3D printing, CNC, and laser cutting all have very different needs. You want your 3D printer to move quickly, your CNC do be ridged, and have your laser to well, have a laser tube. You can pick one and stick with it, generally, laser cutting gives you the ability to make sweet hulls, 3D printers are great for superstructures and details, and CNCs make good big gun cannons and now that I think about it you don't really need a CNC. I will say the snap maker looks beautiful!
I just saw an ad and thought it looked interesting haha I do not have even the basic skills needed but am very curious
Nah bro, you want this printer: https://www.mainepublic.org/post/vi...7hLRZdlTMmVKF-NKBg2dchJcZ61MDK_a1nklzLtc4TNVQ