3d printed Cannons: 1U twins, 0.5U twins, 1U single

Discussion in 'Weapons & Pneumatics' started by GregMcFadden, Sep 16, 2019.

  1. GregMcFadden

    GregMcFadden Facilitator RCWC Staff

    Dec 6, 2006
    All, I am using a post rather than the resources simply to add additional files and explain the purpose of each a bit. The intent is to provide an architecture that enables anyone with a modicum of CAD knowledge to easily create a functional cannon using a 3d printer.

    I am providing STEP files so that people can tweak as necessary to fit their specific spring/pistons. Pistons should be 0.61 OVERALL length, .060 flange thickness, 0.175-0.180 Diameter, 0.315 flange diameter.

    Standard caveats apply, you are responsible for your own testing and printer setup. Printer setups, infil, and material vary greatly, resulting in significant differences in inherent strength of the finished cannon. I can not and do not attempt to account for all possible ways that one can mess up a print. I generally print ABS or PLA, 4+ Walls, 50-75% cubic infill, with 1 halving of the infill 3mm away from anything of importance. I use ONLY 3D850 or 3D870 PLA or ABS from filastruder. I have noticed that 3d870 from filastruder prints at cheap abs temperatures (220C or so), and their ABS on mine prints at 250C (vs 220C for other cheap ABS I have used) Caveat Emptor

    The cannons themselves have the selector at the breech. The twin designs all require magnets to function (buy neodymium, ND40+). Make sure to armor any exposed magnets lest a lucky shot destroy them and disable cannons. The breech plug is sealed once set using E6000 or any other popular gummy adhesive. High flow solenoid use is required. Most testing done on strike solenoids or spartan solenoids. strike's fire faster IMHO for me, but it could just as easily be the switch board.

    O ring required is size -106 Shore A 70 durometer. I use buna. for twins use matched bag O-rings (e.g. take two from the same bag, replace in pairs)

    Now onto the fun stuff.

    First off the 1U twin: Used successfully in Provence, extensive bench testing, based on duca design.
    • The solid file is for the french battleship provence
      • Can be easily modified to other turrets
      • Shows manual supports, can remove and add your own
    • The CORE file is the gas domain, containing two alternate fill ports.
      • either use cad to plug one of the fill ports for each barrel or plug with 1/4-20 setscrew
      • CORE has magnet positions outside the barrels, suggest putting between if you want to (see Province example
      • CORE has 1/4NPT threaded inlet
      • CORE has spherical joints between the barrel thread domain and the rest of the cannon, which enables one in CAD to easily set the down angle UP TO ~15 degrees, NO MORE
      • CORE requires you to add your own overhang cutouts if necessary, the provence example shows some I use
      • Adjust diameter down to match piston after boolean subtraction (see red below). In general this is true of all of the CORE files in this post upload_2019-9-16_22-59-58.png
    Second, the 0.5U twins for the duca: Used extensively in Duca. Took duca from Meh to one heck of a fun ship.

    • The solid file is a finished duca set of twins.
      • Inlet is a glued/shrunk fit and staked copper tube (1/4in OD)
    • The CORE file contains gas passage. same caveats as above apply, however, inlet must be designed in yourself to fit your specific geometry.
    The third is the 1U sidemount. This one DOES NOT REQUIRE magnets. This is the original of all the cannons, used extensively in provence and inspired the entire family.

    • Solid File shows example turret for french bb provence
      • No magnets required
      • Life rafts are structural
    • CORE file shows the gas domain, same caveats as the first (1U twins) core file apply

    I have a prototype 1.5U sidemount gas passage designed, have not had time to test it. it will come in a reply to this post.

    I have not really put much thought into tripples (don't have anything that will run with them) but with two solenoids, it should be trivial to expand the twins into a set of tripples. This is next on my design list once the 1.5U sidemounts are complete.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 16, 2019
  2. Spencer Koontz

    Spencer Koontz New Member

    Sep 12, 2020
    Santa Cruz, CA
    This is really cool!

    Can you please upload a version with all the parts put tougher? I can do any cad format (I have autodesk inventor, witch excepts all cad formats)
  3. Radioman

    Radioman Active Member

    Feb 4, 2015
    Franklin Wisconsin
    I am looking at the .5 unit gun for the Duca. Not sure how to proceed with it. What else is need and how is it all connected to work? Help please?
  4. GregMcFadden

    GregMcFadden Facilitator RCWC Staff

    Dec 6, 2006
    Everything is printed except for a quarter npt fitting to connect to gas and a piston and spring. The Piston can be printed if you take care the springs can be bought from Butler's connection or sourced elsewhere certain geometric changes may be required depending on what spring you get
  5. Radioman

    Radioman Active Member

    Feb 4, 2015
    Franklin Wisconsin
    Thanks, I thought that's what had to be done. Any thoughts on what type of spring?
  6. Beaver

    Beaver 2020 Rookie of the Year Admiral (Supporter)

    Apr 12, 2013
    Central PA
    I make and sell 1/4" dia. gun spring. Dm me if you'd like some.
  7. Radioman

    Radioman Active Member

    Feb 4, 2015
    Franklin Wisconsin
    Question about the barrel nut and barrel. How does the barrel stay in the nut, is there a flange on the barrel?
  8. GregMcFadden

    GregMcFadden Facilitator RCWC Staff

    Dec 6, 2006
    Press fit.
  9. JustinScott

    JustinScott Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2006
    Neat stuff Greg!

    I'm having a tough time understanding how the "core" models work. I'm guessing I uses these to "cut" into my existing solid model?

    That said, I'm having a tough time visualizing what all the holes are doing. I'm not really even certain I know which thing goes "bang"....

    It would probably help me to understand the science behind the pieces. What's the magnet used for, as an example...

    Screen Shot 2022-09-13 at 1.05.15 PM.png
  10. GregMcFadden

    GregMcFadden Facilitator RCWC Staff

    Dec 6, 2006
    The core pieces are intended to allow someone to build their own Canon shape around the gas ducts if you compare the core to one of the finished cannons you'll see how everything fits together. Some of them use magnets not all near the breach in lieu of a gravity feed the piston and spring are at the breach at the top of the cannon and the threads of the two threaded ports are different so only one part goes in each port looking at the picture you've got I've got some updates since that one that I thought I had uploaded but maybe not that make it a little easier to build
  11. darkapollo

    darkapollo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2008
    Carlisle PA
    Greg, how well do these feed?
  12. GregMcFadden

    GregMcFadden Facilitator RCWC Staff

    Dec 6, 2006
    When printed correctly I found they feed better than traditional cannons. It's always a bit of a trick to you burn though because they are optimized for my printer and I have a whole test regime that I have to verify before I print them that they're going to work. I have a couple of sample parts that I know by feel that if they fit together right the printer is set up right. I have added in newer designs which I need to upload magnet locations that can improve feeding for less than optimal geometry
  13. darkapollo

    darkapollo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2008
    Carlisle PA
    Awesome. I like testing out new designs so Ill give these a shot along with some of my crazy ideas.
  14. GregMcFadden

    GregMcFadden Facilitator RCWC Staff

    Dec 6, 2006
    Attached is the latest variants for 1 and 1.5U cannons. takes all the best learning and puts it in. adds O-ring seal on piston screw, magnet location if necessary, more compact than prior designs.

    Attached Files:

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