I figured there are several people with more experience than me with 3d printers, so I want to pick your brains on how to debug a few issues I am having with a rather lackluster archaic 3d printer (with a modern e3d lite head)/titan extruder). I am using cura 2.3.1 screwing around with various settings I have been able to get to the pictures shown below. the sides look ok except for some spots where cura insists on putting stupid unnecessary gcode near sharp corners. biggest issues I seem to have is fill on the top and the warp at the base that pulls away from the raft. I have tried printing on tape with no greater success. any suggestions for setting changes to try?
Hopefully these questions are not too simplistic... Is this ABS or something more exotic? Does the printer have a heated bed? Have you tried glue sticks instead of tape?
Just pla on this thing. Best I can tell it prints square and correct dimensions. I will dig out settings and a picture of most recent print tonught
So I ran out of that PLA and am trying a different bit o stuff with a useful print. biggest issue I see on this one is lots of stringing and these blobs of plastic that overhang the part at sharp edges. settings are below for cura ;End of Gcode ;SETTING_3 {"global_quality": "[general]\\nversion = 2\\nname = turret -polymanx ;SETTING_3 \\ndefinition = custom\\n\\n[metadata]\\nquality_type = normal\\ntype ;SETTING_3 = quality_changes\\n\\n[values]\\nprime_tower_size = 8.6602540378443 ;SETTING_3 87\\nlayer_height_0 = 0.25\\nspeed_layer_0 = 25\\nwall_line_width_0 = ;SETTING_3 0.36\\nskirt_brim_line_width = 0.3\\nbrim_line_count = 6\\ncool_min_ ;SETTING_3 layer_time = 9\\nraft_base_line_width = 0.85\\nskirt_line_count = 4\\ ;SETTING_3 nraft_airgap = 0.05\\nmaterial_diameter = 1.7\\nretraction_extra_prim ;SETTING_3 e_amount = 0.5\\nmaterial_print_temperature = 210\\nsupport_type = bu ;SETTING_3 ildplate\\ninfill_sparse_density = 50\\nmaterial_bed_temperature = 60 ;SETTING_3 \\nalternate_extra_perimeter = True\\nspeed_wall_x = 55\\nbottom_thic ;SETTING_3 kness = 0.85\\nspeed_equalize_flow_max = 100\\nspeed_equalize_flow_en ;SETTING_3 abled = True\\nspeed_wall = 45\\nretraction_combing = noskin\\nraft_f ;SETTING_3 an_speed = 100\\nwall_line_width_x = 0.36\\nspeed_slowdown_layers = 4 ;SETTING_3 \\nmaterial_standby_temperature = 50\\nskin_line_width = 0.36\\nmater ;SETTING_3 ial_flow = 350\\ninfill_pattern = grid\\ntop_thickness = 1.9\\ninfill ;SETTING_3 _line_width = 0.36\\nwall_thickness = 1.65\\nsupport_enable = True\\n ;SETTING_3 speed_wall_0 = =speed_wall\\ntop_bottom_thickness = 2\\ninfill_before ;SETTING_3 _walls = False\\nbrim_outside_only = False\\nlayer_height = 0.2\\nraf ;SETTING_3 t_margin = 2\\nadhesion_type = raft\\nspeed_travel = 90\\nbrim_width ;SETTING_3 = 2\\nline_width = 0.38\\nspeed_infill = =speed_print\\nspeed_topbott ;SETTING_3 om = 45\\n\\n"}
Have you actually calibrated it though, like make sure that when you tell it to move 100mm it moves exactly 100mm? And is your extruder calibrated. Calibrating your extruder could help solve the stringingness and blobs.
I don't think there is even a way to actually calibrate this POS (got it because another fellow was fed up with the extruder and chucked it, hence why I replaced the extruder). I have gotten one print without the stringing blobs but cura crashed and nuked the settings, and I have not been able to figure out how to get back to it, nor do I know the gcode file that was used with that print.
monoprice architect with an e3d hot end. figured I would just screw around with it till it pissed me off enough to chuck it, but given I have gotten decent stuff out of it at least once, there must be a way. I have a cube printing with some settings nick sent me to try. I will post results. right now it looks like a lot less stringing but much more taper to the sides than before on the cube.
I would definitely give calibrating your extrder a try. This article takes you step by step through the process and is process is pretty much universal for all printers. http://www.instructables.com/id/Calibrating-your-3D-printer-using-minimal-filament/
Post screenshots of settings within curs would be best. But.. Some thoughts.. Enable combing Increase retraction (amount and possibly speed - not sure what youve got set. Enable coasting Disable equalize flow control Are you sure your filament is 1.7mm diameter? Slow down the top layer What size hot end ?
0.4mm hot end nozz I can try more retraction and remove equalize flow control. I will try printing two and see if that helps since it seems like the part is staying hot too long
Wow. Lots of ooze! It's a shame what it did to those barrels but, the main body of the turret actually looks pretty good. Maybe turn down the hot end temp 5 or 10 degrees?
I will post some pictures tonight. 99% of the problems though were inadequate cooling of part and probably insufficient retraction. as a side note, while expensive, the polymax PLA has very similar BB resistance to abs. I've been very pleased with that.
pardon the phone picture, but some cooling turned on right after raft complete and first layer of part laid down fixed most everything.
Cool, glad you got it working better. Print looks great! Have you tried printing abs yet? It doesn't require a cooling fan.
not planning to, this printer is just not capable of ABS in its current build config. that and the blue PLA above for detail parts is good enough from a BB impact perspective (not standard PLA, much more strain before crack than normal PLA)