Use a speed 400 (480?)motor. Skinnier than a 550 but sometimes longer and about as powerful. Also has 25mm mounting hole spacing. Should help regardless of motor orientation.
Sorry Everyone for falling off the face of the Earth for a bit. These things tend to happen. Was offered a Store to Run in Halifax, and after much debate, turned it down. I have a funny feeling that it won't be long before they try to wrangle the Sparrow again... Anyways. Back to the Build. As you can see.... I wanted some access... so something had to be done. I really could not continue to work and connect things up without ... removing... some obstacles. Oh man. I am happy now. And even happier because I soon noticed something.
These hatches and supports... although important for structure... were really just pissing me off... and needed to go to allow access. I will have to fashion something else as the engine could not fit underneath and .... well.... the next pic says it all.
That step down deck.... was preventing the engine from sitting properly. I had no access and no way to hook the mount to the shafts..... I also had a very stubborn "hanger-on" that was not letting go of the shaft.... grrrrr..... to many issues... not enough space.....
IMPORTANT SAFETY MESSAGE: REMEMBER TO WEAR SOMETHING TO PROTECT YOUR EYES AND LUNGS WHEN CUTTING INTO AND CLEANING OUT AN OLD OR NEW BOAT. ESPECIALLY A BOAT THAT WAS SECOND HAND AND ONE THAT YOU HAD NO IDEA WHAT WAS USED TO KEEP THINGS IN PLACE. I startedf cutting and cleaning out the space with a dremel. I had eye protection but not breathing... funny how a puff of smoke and a acidic scent makes you grab for the nearest face mask! Also, window was open so that was good. Ventilation important.
Once all that mess of balsa wood, CA glue bits, green foam, fiberglass, resin and two materials I was unfamiliar with, had been cleaned/cut out of the hull, we were left with this.
This also allowed me the space needed to knock off a persistant (found out after the set screw was stripped upon closer inspection) I had to use a flathead and hammer to gently seperate it from the shaft. I was just not coming off.
Little water and some cleaning.... we have a much better area to work with. not as many obstacles to hinder me anymore.... wait a minute.... it is at this time I notice something else....
Can you see the problem .... I hadn't realized at the time... but their was a stark difference in angles and pitch in the shaft placement and actually messed me up when I was trying to line up the mount in the beginning. It was only after removing everything.... that I was finally able to see the REAL problem I was having..... ugh.... better get the Dremel again.....
Sigh.... this is pretty bad now that I look at it. I had thought they were installed well.... but as you can see ....
removed the problem shaft.... but when I looked at the other... noticed it could move back a bit further... allowing for a little more precious room inside.... thought I could save one.... oh well....
With both removed and now the rudder removed as well ( did not know how the change and placement of engine was going to impact the space for the rudder servo.... so just said... REMOVE as well....
With the shafts taped in.... and a not so clear picture you can hazily see that the mount is going to line up very close to the shafts and without much difference in width. Still have to play with the shafts a little more to ensure they are the right width apart and such, but, this looks extremely promising and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...
You can see in this picture the extra space I can pull the shafts out to maximize the interior layout. It's almost 3/4 of an inch... I'll take it.
OMG.... that is a pretty sight! I am very pleased with the way that "turned" out. No time to resin them in tonight..... but will afix them in place tomorrow. Looks great... and got some extra room out of it.... things are looking up I think!
It may have shifted a bit when I took this pic, but this gives me a lot of hope to continue... day off tomorrow... should be good the "Itch" is back.
I also had an issue with the rudder, it appears homemade. It cracked in two. I will see if I can repair it, or use one of the other rudders I have here. I want there to be no issues in steering and propulsion, when I get into combat situations, so I want to make sure everything lines up nice and that I can maximize the hell out of this great little ship. I think if I were ever to start from scratch on one of these ships (I have two more.... lol) I will install mounts/engines/ etc. Before I put on the deck... There simply is not enough room to work with. Though I am really wanting to drive home this project and I cannot wait to see what the next 24 hours brings. Perhaps I will get a chance to sail him sooner that later as planed and hoped. Wish me luck!
Lol. That may be true, when your nearest hobby store is a four hour drive... it makes it a little more difficult.... I will see what I can fashion all the same and I have not given up on the other just yet....
Ok.... time to get to work.... LOL.... A little fiberglass, some CA and Zap for a quick set. Screwdrivers, set screws and screwdriver? Forgot and left them in the pic.... The table is from Walmart for about 25 bucks Canadian. It has several levels and is great for lakeside. (Large vessels not so much though....